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Executive Order 6645—Withdrawal of Public Lands to Provide Material for the Construction and Repair of Public Roads, South Dakota
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Excerpts from the Press Conference
Executive Order 6640—Supplementary Code of Fair Competition for the Painting, Paperhanging and Decorating Division of the Construction Industry
Executive Order 6641—Code of Fair Competition for the Scrap Tron, Nonferrous Scrap Metals and Waste Materials Trade
Executive Order 6639—Consolidation of Executive Agencies Engaged in the Enforcement of the Internal Revenue Laws
Letter to the Secretary of War Terminating Air Mail Service by the Army.
Executive Order 6637—National Recovery Review Board
Executive Order 6638—Authorizing the Formation of a Banking Corporation to Be Known as Second Export-Import Bank of Washington, D.C.
Executive Order 6636—Waiver of Regulations for Appointment of Unclassified Laborers to Permit the Appointment of Mrs. Marion Doody
Executive Order 6632—Creation of the National Recovery Review Board
Letter to Kenneth McKellar Recommending Mail Legislation
Executive Order 6633—Waiver of Civil Service Rule II to Permit the Appointment of Mr. F. Harry Lewis in the Customs Service
Executive Order 6634—Lawrenceburg, Indiana, Designated as a Customs Port of Entry
Executive Order 6635—Wichita, Kansas, Abolished as a Customs Port of Entry
Executive Order 6627—Modification of Executive Order of May 6, 1930, Withdrawing Public Lands, Nevada
Executive Order 6630—Restoring to the Territory of Hawaii a Tract of Land for Road Purposes
Executive Order 6631—Waiver of Civil Service Rule II to Permit the Appointment of Mr. Robert H. Hartenberger and Mr. James B. Morgan, Jr., in the War Department
Executive Order 6631-A—Approval of Code of Fair Competition for the Anti Hog Cholera Serum and Hog Cholera Virus Industry
Proclamation 2077—Emergency Board, Delaware and Hudson Railroad Corporation-Employees
Address to the Representatives of Industry on N.R.A. Codes.
Message to Congress Accompanying a Report on the Inter-American Highway.
Executive Order 6625—Appointment to the Special Board for Public Works
Executive Order 6626—Withdrawal of Public Lands for Use of the War Department, Alaska
Letter from Cordell Hull Submitting Report on the Inter-American Highway.
Executive Order 6628—Withdrawal of Public Land for Use of the War Department, Washington
Executive Order 6629—Withdrawal Of Public Lands for Classification
Letter to Emily R. Kneubuhl of the National Federation of Business and Professional Women's Clubs.
Remarks on Receiving an Honorary Degree at American University, Washington, D.C.
Message to Congress Requesting Authority Regarding Foreign Trade
Message to Congress Regarding Independence for the Philippine Islands.
Executive Order 6622—Amendment of Executive Order No. 6440 of November 18, 1933, as Amended by Executive Order No. 6554 of January 10, 1934
Executive Order 6623—Establishment of the Federal Employment Stabilization Office in the Department of Commerce, Etc.
Executive Order 6624—Deferring Effective Date of Abolishment of Federal Employment Stabilization Board
Message to Congress Recommending Legislation to Guarantee Principal on Home Owners Loan Bonds.
Executive Order 6621—Placing Certain Government Property Under the Control and Jurisdiction of the Department of the Interior, Virgin Islands
Executive Order 6620-B—Code of Fair Competition for the Hotel Industry, Modification of Executive Order of November 17, 1933
Executive Order 6614—Transfer of Functions of the War Department Pertaining to National Cemeteries and Memorials in Europe to the American Battle Monuments Commission
Executive Order 6615—Exemption of Jacob L. Nuber from Compulsory Retirement for Age
Message to Congress Recommending Creation of the Federal Communications Commission.
Executive Order 6616—Withdrawal of Public Lands for Use as an Addition to the Cordova Aviation Landing Field, Alaska