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Executive Order 6249—Code of Fair Competition for the Lace Manufacturing Industry
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Letter to James A. Moss of the United States Flag Association on their Crusade Against Crime.
Statement on the Good-Neighbor Policy in Cuba.
Remarks at a Virginia C.C.C. Camp
Proclamation 2052—Exemption of Virgin Islands from Coastwise Laws
Informal Address at Bowdoin Farm
Executive Order 6246—Administration of the National Industrial Recovery Act
Executive Order 6247—Preparation, Form, Style, and Safeguarding of Executive Orders and Proclamations
Joint Statement with Ambassador Cintas on the Cuban Situation.
Executive Order 6245—Employees of Certain Executive Agencies Continued in the Service of the United States Temporarily
Executive Order 6244—Postponement of Certain Provisions of Executive Order No. 6166 of June 10, 1933
Statement on the Appointment of The First National Labor Board.
Executive Order 6243—Postponing Effective Date Transfer of the District Court of the United States for the Panama Canal Zone to Department of Justice
Executive Order 6242—Designation of Mrs. Alice M. Grove to Sign Land Patents
Executive Order 6242-B—Code of Fair Competition for the Electrical Manufacturing Industry
Executive Order 6242-C—In the Matter of the Application of Alabama Mills Company, a Bankrupt, by Paul A. Redmond, Trustee, for Certain Exemptions from the Cotton Textile Code
Executive Order 6242-D—In the Matter of the Application of Crystal Springs Bleachery Incorporated for Certain Stay of Application and Exemptions from the Cotton Textile Code
Executive Order 6242-E—In the Matter of the Application of Dwight Manufacturing Co. for Certain Exemptions from the Cotton Textile Code
Statement on the Aversion of a Threatened Coal Strike.
Executive Order 6240—Central Statistical Board
Executive Order 6241—Inspection of Tax Returns by Special Committee to Investigate Foreign and Domestic, Ocean and Air Mail Contracts, United States Senate
Executive Order 6239—Organization of Executive Agencies
Executive Order 6238—Establishment of Science Advisory Board Under the National Research Council
Executive Order 6237-A—Vesting Certain Power and Authority in the Alien Property Custodian
Letter of Congratulations to Mrs. Christopher J. Collins, Jr.
Excerpts from the Press Conference
Executive Order 6231—Veterans Regulation No. 3(b)
Executive Order 6233—Veterans Regulation No. 7(a)
Executive Order 6234—Veterans Regulation No. 10(b)
Executive Order 6235—Power-Site Restoration No. 477, Oregon
Executive Order 6236—Authorizing the Appointment of Henry Roe Cloud
Executive Order 6237—Purchase of National Park Lands
Executive Order 6223—Administration of the Emergency Conservation Work
Executive Order 6224—Postponement of Certain Provisions of Executive Order No. 6166, of June 10, 1933
Executive Order 6226—Providing for Current Encumbrance Reports
Executive Order 6227—Employees of Certain Executive Agencies Continued in the Service of the United States Temporarily
Executive Order 6227-A—Code of Fair Competition for the Cordage and Twine Industry
Executive Order 6225—Central Statistical Board
The President's Reemployment Agreement.
Executive Order 6222—Postponing Effective Date of Transfer of Legal Work, Veterans' Administration to Department of Justice