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Executive Order 6003—Classification of Miss Paula Gillespie
Herbert Hoover
Executive Order 5997—Classification of Dirrelle Chaney
Executive Order 5998—Classification of Charles Gallagher
Executive Order 5999—Authorizing the Appointment of Martha Owczarzak
Special Message to the Congress on Federal Expenditures and Revenues.
Executive Order 5993—Baton Rouge, La., Designated a Customs Port of Entry
Executive Order 5994—Withdrawal of Land Pending Legislation, Minnesota
Executive Order 5995—Revocation of Withdrawal of Public Lands Pending Resurvey, Wyoming
Veto of a Bill Providing for the Independence of the Philippine Islands
Executive Order 5996—Revocation of Withdrawal of Public Lands Pending Resurvey, Wyoming
Executive Order 5991—Transfer of Lands between the Deschutes and Fremont National Forests, Oregon
Executive Order 5992—Authorizing the Appointment of Charles Carran
Special Message to the Congress on Bankruptcy Legislation.
Message to the Congress on the International Convention for the Suppression of International Trade in Arms and Ammunition and Implements of War.
Message to a Conference of the International Save the Children Fund.
Message to the Annual Dinner of the Society of the Genesee Honoring Edward Bausch.
Executive Order 5990—Withdrawal of Public Land for Forest Administrative Site, Colorado
Special Message to the Congress on the Death of Calvin Coolidge.
Remarks to the Conference on the Crisis in Education.
Proclamation 2024—Announcing the Death of Calvin Coolidge
Executive Order 5989—Exemption of Dr. Charles Orrin Townsend from Compulsory Retirement for Age
Executive Order 5988—Exemption of Persons from Compulsory Retirement for Age
Executive Order 5987—Revocation of Withdrawal of Public Lands in California
The President's News Conference
Executive Order 5985—Coal Land Restoration, Montana No. 88
Statement About the Reorganization of the Executive Branch.
Executive Order 5986—Authorizing the Appointment of James W. Higgins, Jr.
Statement on the Report of the-President's Research Committee on Social Trends.
Message Commemorating the Anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation.
Message to the Nation's Christmas Tree Association.
Executive Order 5983—Partial Revocation of Withdrawal of Public Lands, California
Executive Order 5984—Amendment of Civil-Service Rule VII
Introduction to a Series of Articles in The Scientific Monthly.
Executive Order 5980—Modification of Withdrawal of Oregon and California Railroad Grant Lands
Executive Order 5981—Exemption of John T. Crowley from Compulsory Retirement for Age
Executive Order 5982—Exemption of Charles J. Harlow from Compulsory Retirement for Age
Statement on the Conduct of Foreign Relations.
Proclamation 2022—Grand Canyon National Monument
Message to the Porto Rico Child Feeding Committee.
Christmas Message to Disabled Veterans.