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Message to the Congress Recommending an Appropriation for the National Council of Intellectual Cooperation.
Herbert Hoover
Veto of a Bill for the Relief of Homer N. Horine.
Executive Order 5551—Withdrawal of Public Lands for Resurvey, New Mexico
Message to the Real Estate Board of New York.
Letter to Senator Thomas D. Schall About the Appointment of a District Judge for Minnesota.
Message to the France-America Society.
Executive Order 5550—Withdrawal of Public Lands for Classification, California
The President's News Conference
Executive Order 5549—Amendment to the Instructions to Diplomatic Officers Respecting Citizenship
Statement on Public vs. Private Financing of Relief Efforts.
Message to a Testimonial Dinner Honoring Dr. James Ewing.
Executive Order 5547—Withdrawal of Public Lands for Resurvey, New Mexico
Executive Order 5548—Withdrawal of Public Lands for Resurvey, New Mexico
Executive Order 5546—Extension of Trust Period on Allotments of Indians on the Cheyenne River Reservation, South Dakota
Executive Order 5543—Power-Site Restoration No. 459, Idaho
Statement on the Visit of Canadian Prime Minister Richard B. Bennett.
Executive Order 5544—Amendment of Schedule A, Subdivision III, of the Civil Service Rules, Research Associates, Public Health Service
Executive Order 5545—Revocation of Schedule B, Subdivision I, Paragraph 7 of the Civil Service Rules, Allowing Noncompetitive Appointments of Advisers (Disciplinarians) in the Indian Service
Statement on the Reorganization of the Government of the Virgin Islands.
Message on the 50th Anniversary of the International Christian Endeavor Society.
Executive Order 5542—Withdrawal of Public Lands for Resurvey, California
Executive Order 5541—Power-Site Restoration No. 458, John Day River, Oregon
Message to the Congress Recommending Payment of Claims of Certain Chinese Citizens Against the Navy Department.
Executive Order 5540—Establishing the Charles Sheldon Wild Life Refuge, Nevada
Message to the Congress About the Claim of George J. Salem Against the Government of Egypt.
Executive Order 5538—Withdrawal of Public Lands for Resurvey, Colorado
Executive Order 5539—Extension of Trust Period on Allotments on Ponca Indians of Oklahoma
Message on the 21st Anniversary of the Boy Scouts of America.
Message of Sympathy on the Death of Walter S. Dickey.
Statement on the Nomination of Benedict Crowell as Brigadier General of the Army Reserve Corps
Message to the One Hundred Year Club of New York.
Radio Address on the Drought Relief Campaign of the American National Red Cross.
Executive Order 5534—Public Water Reserve No. 137, Montana and Nevada
Executive Order 5536—Power-Site Restoration No. 457, Montana
Message to the Congress Recommending an Appropriation for Participation in the Conference on the Limitation of the Manufacture of Narcotic Drugs.
Executive Order 5535—Power-Site Restoration No. 455, Montana