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Executive Order 5431—Appointment of Mrs. Robert D. Freeman
Herbert Hoover
The President's News Conference
Statement Welcoming the Guests of the American Bar Association.
Message to President Juan Campisteguy on Uruguay's Independence Day.
Executive Order 5430—Power-Site Restoration No. 445, Clark Fork, Montana
Executive Order 5429—Charges at Army and Navy General Hospital, Hot Springs, Arkansas
Statement on Government Expenditures.
Message to the National Aeronautic Association.
Executive Order 5426—Documents Required of Aliens Entering the United States
Executive Order 5428—Withdrawal of Public Lands for Classification
Executive Order 5427—Waiver or Reduction of Application and Visa Fees for Nonimmigrants
Executive Order 5425—Tongass National Forest
Statement on the Organization of Drought Relief.
Telegram to the Governor of Oklahoma Transmitting the Recommendations of the White House Conference on Drought Relief.
Message Congratulating Rafael Leonidas Trujillo on His Inauguration as President of the Dominican Republic.
Message of Sympathy on the Death of Bishop James H. Darlington.
Executive Order 5424—Withdrawal of Public Lands for Classification
Remarks on Presenting a Special Congressional Medal to Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh.
Statement on the White House Conference on Drought Relief.
Statement on Vacation Plans.
Message to President Paul von Hindenburg on the Anniversary of the Adoption of the Weimar Constitution.
Statement on the San Francisco Bay Bridge Commission.
Executive Order 5423—Revocation of Withdrawal of Public Lands for Resurvey
Message on the Ratification of the Joint Labor-Management Agreement by the Anthracite Coal Industry.
Statement on the Drought.
Executive Order 5422—Revocation of Administrative Site Withdrawal
Letter to the Convention of International Christian Endeavor Societies.
Message on Rosh Hashanah.
Executive Order 5421—Revocation of Withdrawal of Public Lands for Resurvey
Executive Order 5420—Revocation of Withdrawal of Public Lands for Resurvey
Executive Order 5419—Ketchikan Radio Station
Statement About the Appointment of General Douglas MacArthur as Army Chief of Staff.
Executive Order 5416—Extension of Trust Period on Allotments of Klamath River Indians of California