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Inaugural Address
Warren G. Harding
Message to the House of Representatives Returning Without Approval H.R. 15275, an Act Imposing Temporary Duties Upon Certain Agricultural Products to Meet Present Emergencies, to Provide Revenue and for Other Purposes
Woodrow Wilson
Special Message to Congress on Acceptance of German Bonds for Belgian War Debt
Message to the House of Representatives Returning Without Approval H.J. Res. 440 Directing Reduction of Enlisted Men in Army to 175,000
Message to the Senate Returning Without Approval S. 793, an Act Authorizing the Issuance of Patent to the Milk River Valley Gun Club
Proclamation 1584—Special Session of the Senate
Message to the Senate Returning Without Approval S.J. Res. 212 "Joint Resolution Directing the War Finance Corporation to Take Certain Action for the Relief of the Present Depression in the Agricultural Sections of the Country, and for Other Purposes"
Message to the Senate Returning Without Approval S. 4526 a Further Extension of Time for Section 10 of Clayton Anti-Trust Act
Executive Order 3374—Confirming Powers of Federal Trade Commission Over Coal Cost Information
Written Address to the Nation on Relief of Starving Children in Europe
Executive Order 3367—Punishments for Soldiers
Proclamation 1582—Copyright—Denmark
Special Message to Congress on Expenses of the American Peace Mission to Paris
Executive Order 3365—Indians on Public Domain
8th Annual Message
Executive Order 3363—Ponca Indians in Oklahoma
Note to Council of League of Nations Accepting Request to Mediate Between Armenians arid Turks
Executive Order 3360—Official Flag for Secretary of State
Proclamation 1580—Thanksgiving, 1920
Proclamation 1579—Canceling Licenses of Dealers in Sugar and Sugar By-Products
Executive Order 3338—Competitive Examinations for Postmasterships
Executive Order 3336—Ordering Flags at Half-Mast in Memory of American Dead in World War
Executive Order 3332—Retention of Hoboken Piers
Proclamation 1573—Fire Prevention Day—1920
Executive Order 3320—Liquidation of United States Grain Corporation
Written Address to the Nation on the Tercentenary of Landing of Pilgrims at Plymouth
Executive Order 3313—Wages of Seamen
Proclamation 1570—Opening of the Panama Canal
Executive Order 3294—Authorizing the Departure of Hostile and Enemy Aliens Without Permits
Executive Order 3292—Reduction of Capital Stock of United States Grain Corporation
Message to the House of Representatives Returning Without Approval H.R. 9783, "An Act to Provide a National Budget System, an Independent Audit of Government Accounts, and for Other Purposes"
Proclamation 1566—Appointment of Commission to Arbitrate Wage Differences Between the Anthracite Coal Operators and Miners
Message to the House of Representatives Returning Without Approval H.J. Res. 327 Declaring State of Peace with Germany and Austria-Hungary
Special Message to Congress Asking Permission to Assume Mandate for Armenia Under the League of Nations
Message to the House of Representatives Returning Without Approval H.R. 12610 "An Act Making Appropriations for the Legislative, Executive and Judicial Expenses of the Government for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1921, and for Other Purposes"
Proclamation 1562—Extension of Time for Payments for Crow Indian Lands, Montana
Proclamation 1560—Copyright—Great Britain
Executive Order 3235—Continuing Control of Director General of Railroads Over Coal Distribution, etc.
Proclamation 1558—Authorizing the Director General of Railroads to Continue Certain Duties Regarding the Railroads Vested in the President
Proclamation 1557—Copyright—Sweden