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an attribute for events relating to issuing proclamations
Proclamation 3212—Modification of Trade Agreement Concession and Adjustment of Rate of Duty on Safety Pins
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Proclamation 3211—Withdrawal of Trade Agreement Concession on Spring Clothespins
Proclamation 3210—Thanksgiving Day, 1957
Proclamation 3209—Imposing a Fee on Imports of Almonds
Proclamation 3208—Theodore Roosevelt Centennial Year October 27, 1957—October 27, 1958
Proclamation 3207—Second World Metallurgical Congress
Proclamation 3206—Immigration Quota—Federation of Malaya
Proclamation 3205—National Employ the Physically Handicapped Week, 1957
Proclamation 3204—Obstruction of Justice in the State of Arkansas
Proclamation 3203—Columbus Day, 1957
Proclamation 3202—Veteran's Day, 1957
Proclamation 3201—General Pulaski's Memorial Day, 1957
Proclamation 3200—Imposing Import Quota on Tung Oil
Proclamation 3199—American Education Week, 1957
Proclamation 3198—National Farm-City Week, 1957
Proclamation 3197—National Olympic Day, 1957
Proclamation 3196—Citizenship Day and Constitution Week, 1957
Proclamation 3195—Relating to the Importation of Certain Agricultural Articles for Exhibition at Trade Fairs or for Research
Proclamation 3194—National Day of Prayer, 1957
Proclamation 3193—Imposing Import Restrictions on Certain Articles Containing Butterfat
Proclamation 3192—Fire Prevention Week, 1957
Proclamation 3191—Carrying out Supplementary Agreements Granting Concessions to Compensate for Escape Clause Action on Certain Toweling
Proclamation 3190—Carrying out the Eighth Protocol of Supplementary Concessions to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, and For Other Purposes
Proclamation 3189—Imposing a Quota on Imports of Rye, Rye Flour, and Rye Meal
Proclamation 3188—United Nations Day, 1957
Proclamation 3188A—Immigration Quota—Ghana
Proclamation 3187—Further Modification of the Trade-Agreement Concession on Alsike Clover Seed
Proclamation 3186—Flag Day, 1957
Proclamation 3185—Prayer for Peace, Memorial Day, 1957
Proclamation 3184—Terminating in Part Proclamation No. 2761A of December 16, 1947 with Respect to Certain Potatoes, and Making Related Adjustments
Proclamation 3183—National Defense Transportation Day, 1957
Proclamation 3182—Jamestown Day
Proclamation 3181—Mother's Day 1957
Proclamation 3180—National Maritime Day, 1957
Proclamation 3179—National Mental Health Week
Proclamation 3178—Imposing a Quota on Butter Substitutes, Including Butter Oil
Proclamation 3177—World Trade Week, 1957
Proclamation 3176—Child Health Day, 1957
Proclamation 3175—Copyrights—Brazil
Proclamation 3174—Cancer Control Month, 1957