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Source of many WH announcements, readouts, press releases
Press Briefing by Ari Fleischer
George W. Bush
Statement by the Press Secretary: Visit of President Jose Maria Aznar of Spain
Statement by the Press Secretary: Meeting with Kenyan President Moi and Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles
Statement by the Press Secretary
Press Gaggle by Scott McClellan
Fact Sheet: A Record of Accomplishment for America
Statement by the Press Secretary: Visit by President Rahmonov of Tajikistan to Washington
Statement by the Press Secretary: Visit by President Voronin of the Republic of Moldova to Washington
Press Release - President Bush Announced His Intention to Designate Garcia to be Acting Commissioner of Immigration and Naturalization at the Department of Justice
Press Release - President Bush Announced His Intention to Nominate Three Individuals to Serve as Members of His Administration
Fact Sheet: Lithuania - Military Deployments Abroad
Fact Sheet: Romania - Military Deployments Abroad
Press Gaggle by Ari Fleischer
Press Release - President Bush Announced the Appointment of One Individual, the Designation of One Individual, and His Intention to Nominate One to Serve as Members of His Administration
Fact Sheet: Bush Administration Review of Defense Trade Export Policy and National Security
Fact Sheet: NATO: Building New Capabilities for New Challenges
Fact Sheet: NATO-Russia Relations
Fact Sheet: Czech Republic: Military Deployments Abroad
Nominations Sent to the Senate
White House Press Release - President George W. Bush Today Announced His Intention to Nominate Three and Appoint Three Individuals to Serve in His Administration
Press Briefing by Scott McClellan
Statement by the Deputy Press Secretary
Statement on Inter-American Convention Against Terrorism
Press Briefing by Dr. Rice on the President's Trip to the NATO Summit
Press Release - Designation
President Orders Federal Aid for Alabama
President Orders Federal Aid for Mississippi