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Remarks in Lafayette, Louisiana Following the Alabama and Mississippi Primaries
Rick Santorum
Romney Campaign Press Release - Mitt Romney Announces Additional Pennsylvania Endorsements
Mitt Romney
Santorum Campaign Press Release - Santorum Names Veteran Campaign Strategist Brian Nutt as Pennsylvania State Campaign Director
Romney Campaign Press Release - Mitt Romney Announces Agriculture Advisory Committee
Santorum Campaign Press Release - Congressman Alan Nunnelee Endorses Santorum for President
Romney Campaign Press Release - Mitt Romney: Time for President Obama to Take Responsibility for His Failures on Unemployment, Energy, and Debt
Ron Paul Campaign Press Release - Ron Paul Endorsed By Louisiana GOP Central Committeeman Harold Williams
Ron Paul
Ron Paul Campaign Press Release - Schedule: Ron Paul to Hold Massive Town Hall Meeting in Missouri
Romney Campaign Press Release - Mitt Romney Announces Support of Illinois Senate Republican Leader Christine Radogno and Five State Senators
Gingrich Campaign Press Release - Video: Why Romney Can't Beat Obama
Newt Gingrich