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Remarks Announcing Candidacy for the Republican Presidential Nomination
Barry Goldwater
Remarks Conceding the Presidential Election in Los Angeles, California
Richard Nixon
Remarks in Hyannis, Massachusetts Accepting Election as the 35th President of the United States
John F. Kennedy
Speech of Senator John F. Kennedy, Boston, MA, Faneuil Hall
Statement of the Vice President of the United States on Recession, Madison, WI
Remarks of Senator John F. Kennedy, Springfield, MA, City Hall
Remarks of Senator John F. Kennedy, Hartford Times Steps, Hartford, CT
Remarks by the Vice President of the United States, Prepared for Delivery at Truax Field, Madison, WI
Remarks of Senator John F. Kennedy, Park, Manchester, NH
Television Program of Senator John F. Kennedy, Manchester, NH
Remarks of Vice President Richard M. Nixon, National Telethon, ABC Network, Southfield, MI
A Statement by Senator John F. Kennedy on Proposal Advanced by Mr. Nixon in Nationally Televised TV Show
Remarks of Senator John F. Kennedy, Hillsgrove Airport, Providence, RI
Excerpts of Speech by Senator John F. Kennedy, Boston Garden, Boston, MA - (Advance Release Text)
Speech of Vice President Richard M. Nixon at CBS-TV, Chicago, IL
Remarks of Senator John F. Kennedy, City Hall, Providence, RI
Statement of the Vice President of the United States on Constructive Programs, Detroit, MI
Speech of Senator John F. Kennedy, Boston Garden, Boston, MA
Remarks of the Vice President, Ford Auditorium, Detroit, MI
Excerpts of Remarks by Senator John F. Kennedy, City Hall, Springfield, MA - (Advance Release Text)