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Reorganization Act of 1977 Statement on Signing S. 626 Into Law.
Jimmy Carter
American Non-Rubber Footwear Industry Statement on Administration Actions.
Visit of Prime Minister Fukuda of Japan United States-Japan Joint Communiqué Issued at the Conclusion of the Prime Minister's Visit.
Rhodesian Chrome Bill Statement on Signing the Bill Into Law.
Presidential Commission on Americans Missing and Unaccounted for in Southeast Asia Statement on the Commission's Trip to Southeast Asia.
D.C. General Hospital Commission Act Announcement of the Decision Not To Take Action on the Bill, With a Statement by the President.
Visit of President Lopez Portillo of Mexico United States-Mexico Joint Communiqué.
Alliance To Save Energy Statement on the Formation of the Organization.
The Energy Shortage Statement Announcing Initiatives To Deal With the Shortage.
Statement on the National Endowment for the Humanities Challenge Grant Program.
Gerald R. Ford
Statement on the Report of the Domestic Council Review Group on Regulatory Reform.
Statement Announcing Extension and Name Change of the Inflation Impact Statement Program
Statement on Proposed Statehood for Puerto Rico.
Statement on the Death of Senator Philip A. Hart of Michigan.
Statement on Establishment of the International Fund for Agricultural Development.
Statement on the Oil Spill Off the Coast of Massachusetts.
Statement on the Death of Mayor Richard J. Daley Chicago.
Statement Announcing Federal Recognition of "Expo '81" as a World's Fair
Statement on Decision by the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries To Increase Oil Prices.
Statement on Actions To Provide Emergency Livestock Feed Assistance in the Midwest.
Statement on the Death of Peter Lisagor.
Statement Announcing Accomplishments of the Presidential Management Initiatives Program
Statement on the Death of Alexander Calder.
Statement on Proposed Administration Program To Aid Older Americans.
Statement on Nuclear Policy.
Statement on the Economic Situation in the United Kingdom.
Statement on Signing the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976.
Statement on Signing the National Forest Management Act of 1976.
Statement on Signing the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act of 1976.
Statement on Signing the Alaska Natural Gas Transportation Act of 1976.
Statement on Signing the Food Stamp and Supplemental Security Income Amendments Bill.
Statement on Signing the Veterans Omnibus Health Care Act of 1976.
Statement on Signing the United States Grain Standards Act of 1976.
Statement on Signing the Immigration and Nationality Act Amendments of 1976.
Statement on Signing Amendments to the Bretton Woods Agreements Act.
Statement on Signing the Rural Electrification Administration Technical Amendments Act of 1976.
Statement on the 1976 Nobel Prize Winners.
Statement on the Interim Report of the President's Committee on Urban Development and Neighborhood Revitalization.
Statement on Visual Television Aids for Americans With Hearing Impairments.
Statement on Signing the Arthritis, Diabetes, and Digestive Disease Amendments of 1976.