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Interview With the President Question-and-Answer Session With Foreign Correspondents.
Jimmy Carter
Weizmann Institute of Science Remarks on Receiving an Honorary Degree From the Institute.
Meeting With Leaders of Ethnic and Fraternal Organizations Remarks During a White House Briefing.
Interview With the President Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With Editors and Broadcasters.
Department of Labor Remarks at the Dedication of the Frances Perkins Building.
American Society of Newspaper Editors Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session at the Society's Annual Convention.
Visit of President Sadat of Egypt Remarks to Reporters Following a Meeting
Caribbean/Central American Action Remarks at a White House Reception.
Toasts at the Dinner Honoring President Anwar al-Sadat of Egypt
Sanctions Against Iran Remarks Announcing U.S. Actions.
Remarks on Signing Into Law the Crude Oil Windfall Profit Tax Act of 1980
National Conference of Artists Remarks at a White House Reception.
Remarks to Reporters on American Hostages in Iran
Building and Construction Trades Department, AFL-CIO Remarks at the National Conference.
Budget Revisions Remarks at the Message Signing Ceremony.
Remarks on Signing Into Law the Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act of 1980
National Conference of State Legislatures Remarks at the Advisory Conference.
Windfall Profits Tax Legislation Remarks by Telephone With the Senate Majority Leader and the Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee on Senate Approval of the Legislation.
Democratic Congressional Campaign Dinner Remarks at the Dinner.
White House Conference on Aging Remarks at a White House Reception.