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First Anniversary of the Egyptian-Israeli Peace Treaty Remarks of the President, Ambassador Ashraf A. Ghorbal of Egypt, and Ambassador Ephraim Evron of Israel at a White House Reception.
Jimmy Carter
Remarks to Representatives of U.S. Teams to the 1980 Summer Olympics
Meeting With Small Business Leaders Remarks at the Meeting.
Remarks on Signing Proclamation 4738 on National Energy Education Day
White House Briefing on Inflation and Energy Remarks to Community Leaders.
National League of Cities Remarks at the Annual Congressional-City Conference.
Remarks at a White House St. Patrick's Day Celebration
The President's News Conference
Anti-Inflation Program Remarks Announcing the Administration's Program.
President's Commission on Coal Remarks on Receiving the Commission's Reports.
15th Anniversary of Project Head Start Remarks at a White House Reception.
White House Briefing on Administration Policies Remarks to a Group of Civic and Community Leaders From New York.
Visit of Chancellor Helmut Schmidt of the Federal Republic of Germany Remarks to Reporters Following a Meeting
Toasts at a State Dinner During the Visit of Chancellor Schmidt of the Federal Republic of Germany
Second Environmental Decade Remarks at the l0th Anniversary Observance of the National Environmental Policy Act, Earth Day, and Several Federal Agencies.
Law Enforcement Remarks at a White House Reception ]or State Attorneys General, District Attorneys, and Police Chiefs.
Toast at a White House Dinner Honoring Governors Attending the National Governors' Association's Winter Session
New Hampshire Democratic Party Primary Informal Exchange With Reporters.
Order of the American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association Remarks at the Annual Dinner of the Supreme Lodge.
Interview With the President Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With Editors and News Directors.