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Memorandum on the Federal Summer Employment Program for Youth.
Gerald R. Ford
Memorandum on a National Swine Flu Immunization Program.
Memorandum Establishing the Task Force on Questionable Corporate Payments Abroad
Memorandum Establishing the Agricultural Policy Committee.
Memorandum on the Observance of Red Cross Month.
Memorandum on Appointing the Chairman of the Interdepartmental Savings Bonds Committee.
Memorandum to Secretary of Transportation Coleman on Airline Safety.
Memorandum Extending the Federal Cost Reduction Campaign.
Memorandum on Actions To Respond to Discriminatory Foreign Boycott Practices.
Memorandum on Measures To Meet Natural Gas Shortages.
Memorandum on Minority Banks.
Memorandum on the Combined Federal Campaign.
Memorandum Establishing the President's Panel on Federal. Compensation.
Memorandum on the Report of the Commission on CIA Activities Within the United States.
Memorandum to Attorney General Levi on the Report of the Commission on CIA Activities Within the United States.
Memorandum Establishing the Textile Trade Policy Group.
Memorandum on the Federal Cost Reduction Campaign.