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Memorandum Returning Without Approval the Public Health Service Act Amendments of 1984
Ronald Reagan
Memorandum Returning Without Approval the Public Broadcasting Amendments Act of 1984
Memorandum Returning Without Approval the Indian Health Care Amendments of 1984
Memorandum Returning Without Approval the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Atmospheric Oceanic Research and Services Act of 1984
Memorandum Returning Without Approval the Armed Career Criminal Act of 1984
Memorandum Returning Without Approval a Bill To Compensate Indian Tribes for Irrigation Construction Expenditures
Memorandum on the Denial of Import Relief for the Steel Industry
Memorandum on the Combined Federal Campaign
Memorandum on the Denial of Import Relief for the Copper Industry
Memorandum on the Delegation of Authority for Reports to Congress on El Salvador
Memorandum on the Delegation of Authority for Reports and Determinations Concerning El Salvador
Memorandum on Trade With Hungary, China, and Romania
Memorandum on the Renewal of Trade Agreements With Romania and Hungary
Designation of Jean F. Ross as the United States Commissioner of the Upper Colorado River Commission
Memorandum Urging Support of the American National Red Cross
Designation of Robert J. Lagomarsino as a Member of the Northern Mariana Islands Commission on Federal Laws
Memorandum on Soybean Product Exports From Brazil
Designation of Hoyt D. Gardner as Alternate United States Representative on the Executive Board of the World Health Organization
Memorandum on Federal Paperwork Reduction
Memorandum on Drunk and Drugged Driving
Memorandum on Nonrubber Footwear Exports From Taiwan
Memorandum on Federal Occupational Safety and Health
Designation of Anthony G. Sousa as Acting Chairman of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Memorandum on Federal Spending
Memorandum on Competition in Federal Procurement
Designation of 11 Senior Counselors of the National Bipartisan Commission on Central America
Memorandum on Establishing a Task Force on Food Assistance
Memorandum on Import Relief for the Specialty Steel Industry
Designation of Eight Special Assistants to the President for National Security Affairs
Designation of Rhea Seddon as United States Representative to the Australia-America Friendship Week Celebrations
Memorandum on Heavyweight Motorcycle Imports
Designation of Two United States Representatives on the Panama Canal Consultative Committee
Designation of Dennis C. Goodman as United States Deputy Representative on the United Nations Economic and Social Council
Memorandum on Government Patent Policy
Memorandum Returning Without Approval a Bill Designating Certain Areas in Florida as Additions to the National Wilderness Preservation System