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Memorandum Concerning the Recommendations of the White House Conference on International Cooperation
Lyndon B. Johnson
Memorandum on the Combined Federal Campaign for the Washington Metropolitan Area
Memorandum to the Secretary, HUD, in Response to His Progress Report on the Rent Supplement Program
Memorandum on the Use and Management of Computers by Federal Agencies
Memorandum on Ethical Conduct on the Part of Government Officers and Employees
Memorandum on the Government's Joint Financial Management Improvement Program
Memorandum Further Restricting Employment in Federal Agencies and Travel by Federal Personnel
Memorandum on the Charging of Fees for Government Services
Memorandum on June Buying by Federal Agencies.
Memorandum on the Federal Government's Drive Against Organized Crime
Memorandum on Cost Reduction in the Federal Government
Memorandum Approving Release of Copper From the National Stockpile
Memorandum on the Need for Controlling Expenditures by Federal Agencies
Memorandums on U.S. Participation in International Organizations and Programs.
Memorandum on the Need for Training in Modern Management Methods
Memorandum on Balance of Payments and Federal Expenditures Overseas
Memorandum Announcing Revised Guidelines Governing Development by the Government of Products or Services for Its Own Use
Memorandum on the Processing of Federal Employees' Claims for Workmen's Compensation Benefits
Memorandum Establishing a Task Force on Summer Domestic Programs
Memorandum From the President to the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies Urging Support of the 1966 Red Cross Month Campaign
Memorandum on Brotherhood Week
Memorandum to Agency Heads Requesting Reports on Their Employee Safety Programs
Memorandum to the Secretary of State on Export Sales of Surplus Agricultural Commodities to the United Arab Republic
Memorandum Approving the Release of Copper From the National Stockpile
Memorandums on the Need for Coordinating the Practices of Federal Wage Boards
Memorandum Concerning the Power Failure in the Northeastern United States
Memorandum Announcing a New Drive To Improve the Government's Services to the Public
Memorandum on Steps Taken To Strengthen the Food-for-Peace Program
Memorandum on Reassignment of Civil Rights Functions
Memorandum to Federal Agencies on Voluntary Blood Donations
Statement by the President to the Cabinet and Memorandum on Strengthening Academic Capability for Science
Memorandum Requesting a Study of Means of Financing Federal Loan Programs Through Private Capital
Memorandum to the Secretary of Defense on the Need for Effective Use of Military Personnel
Memorandum in Response to a Report on the New Executive Seminar Center.
Memorandum on Cost Reduction by Federal Agencies.
Memorandum Following Release of the Labor Department's Employment Figures for June.
Memorandum Directing Full Use by Federal Agencies of the ZIP Code System.
Memorandum on Announcing the Names of Recipients of the President's Award for Distinguished Federal Civilian Service.
Memorandum on "June Buying" by Federal Departments and Agencies.
Memorandum on the Budget Preview and Program Planning for Fiscal Year 1967.
Memorandum Establishing a Cabinet Committee on Federal Staff Retirement Systems.
Memorandum Outlining Some of the Major Issues of the Campaign.
Memorandum on Assistance to Certain International Organizations
Memorandum Approving Agreement on Exchange of Atomic Information With NATO and Member Nations.
Memorandum on Employment of Handicapped Persons by the Federal Government.
Memorandum in Response to a Progress Report on the Joint financial Management Improvement Program.
Memorandum on the Observance of Brotherhood Week.
Memorandum of Disapproval of Bill Relating to the Marking of Imported Articles.
Memorandum on Control of Federal Employment.
Memorandum Establishing the Committee on the Economic Impact of Defense and Disarmament.
Memorandum on the Management of the Executive Branch.
Memorandum on Employment of the Mentally Retarded.
John F. Kennedy
Memorandum on Recruitment of Former Peace Corps Volunteers for Career Government Services.
Memorandum on Utilization of Older Workers in the Federal Service.
Memorandum on the Report of the Committee on Federal Credit Programs.
Memorandum on Conflicts of Interest and Ethical Standards of Conduct of Government Employees.
Memorandum on Development of a Civil Supersonic Air Transport.
Memorandum on Informing Congressional Committees of Changes Involving Foreign Economic Assistance Funds.
Memorandum Upon Signing Order Providing for Administration of the Federal Salary Reform Act.