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Results   1 - 24 of 24 records found

Date Related Document Title
May 16, 2021 Joseph R. Biden Pool Reports of May 16, 2021
lovely lakes, and into the Fieldstone Golf Club, about 10 minutes from …
Jun 20, 2021 Joseph R. Biden Pool Reports of June 20, 2021
left into road marked with 'Fieldstone' signs at 13:07. Road leads to Fieldstone Golf Club. Pool van is headed …
Jul 10, 2021 Joseph R. Biden Pool Reports of July 10, 2021
motorcade eventually arrived at Fieldstone Golf Club. Press van split off …
Jul 11, 2021 Joseph R. Biden Pool Reports of July 11, 2021
Travel pool report #2 — Fieldstone Golf Club …
Jul 24, 2021 Joseph R. Biden Pool Reports of July 24, 2021
Travel pool report #1 - Fieldstone Golf Course …
Aug 07, 2021 Joseph R. Biden Pool Reports of August 7, 2021
POTUS motorcade pulled into Fieldstone Golf Club. Will try to get more …
Sep 04, 2021 Joseph R. Biden Pool Reports of September 4, 2021
see POTUS. POTUS arrived at Fieldstone Golf Club at 5:54pm, pool didn't …
Sep 12, 2021 Joseph R. Biden Pool Reports of September 12, 2021
Motorcade arrived at the Fieldstone Golf Club at 1:04. The White House …
Oct 02, 2021 Joseph R. Biden Pool Reports of October 2, 2021
motorcade arrived at the Fieldstone Golf Club, where he will be playing …
Jan 15, 2022 Joseph R. Biden Pool Reports of January 15, 2022
pool report #5 — arrival, Fieldstone Golf Club …
Apr 03, 2022 Joseph R. Biden Pool Reports of April 3, 2022
The motorcade arrived at Fieldstone Golf Club at about 2:14 pm. The …
Apr 24, 2022 Joseph R. Biden Pool Reports of April 24, 2022
POTUS arrived at the Fieldstone Golf Club at 12:55 pm. From the … The President is golfing at Fieldstone Golf Club with Senior Advisor …
May 08, 2022 Joseph R. Biden Pool Reports of May 8, 2022
Pool arrived at the Fieldstone Golf Club at 3:29 pm ET. Pool …
May 14, 2022 Joseph R. Biden Pool Reports of May 14, 2022
Motorcade arrived at Fieldstone Golf Club at 2:03pm. Pool has …
Jun 12, 2022 Joseph R. Biden Pool Reports of June 12, 2022
The motorcade reached the Fieldstone Golf Club at 1:58 PM . Pool now …
Aug 17, 2022 Joseph R. Biden Pool Reports of August 17, 2022
Out of town pool report #6: Fieldstone Golf Club …
Aug 19, 2022 Joseph R. Biden Pool Reports of August 19, 2022
Motorcade pulled into Fieldstone Golf Club at 16:00 after an uneventful …
Aug 27, 2022 Joseph R. Biden Pool Reports of August 27, 2022
at 12:49 pm, as it entered Fieldstone Golf Club. Pool did not see POTUS …
Sep 25, 2022 Joseph R. Biden Pool Reports of September 25, 2022
We dropped POTUS off at Fieldstone Golf Club at 1:36. The pool has …
Dec 17, 2022 Joseph R. Biden Pool Reports of December 17, 2022
Out of town pool report #6 / Fieldstone Golf Club …
Apr 02, 2023 Joseph R. Biden Pool Reports of April 2, 2023
The motorcade pulled into Fieldstone Golf Club at 6:26 PM. The president …
Aug 06, 2023 Joseph R. Biden Pool Reports of August 6, 2023
motorcade near the entrance of Fieldstone Golf Club. Your pooler did not …
Nov 18, 2023 Joseph R. Biden Pool Reports of November 18, 2023
The motorcade arrived at Fieldstone Golf Club at 1:30 and pool left …
Jan 06, 2024 Joseph R. Biden Pool Reports of January 6, 2024
from the motorcade at the Fieldstone Golf Club at 1:18pm where the …