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McCain Campaign Press Release - John McCain's Economic Summit In Wisconsin
John McCain
Obama Campaign Press Release - Congressman André Carson Endorses Barack Obama for President
Barack Obama
Statement Of Hillary Clinton On President Bush's Global Warming Announcement
Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - HUBdate: Debate in Philadelphia
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - New Ad: Hillary Will Fight To Protect American Defense
Obama Statement on the Anniversary of the Virginia Tech Tragedy
Statement By John McCain On The Virginia Tech Anniversary
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Hillary's Reviews Are In: 'The Winner,' 'Strong Presence,' 'In Her Element'
McCain Campaign Press Release - What They're Saying About The McCain Economic Plan
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Operative Plasterers' and Cement Masons' International Association Endorse Clinton
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Willie Colón Endorses Hillary Clinton for President
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Clinton Campaign Invites American Hunters & Shooters Association to Discuss Obama's Call to Ban Handguns
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - West Virginia Labor Leader Elaine Harris Responds
Hillary Clinton Statement on the Anniversary of the Virginia Tech Tragedy
Remarks on the Economy at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh
Statement By John McCain On The Pope's Visit To America
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Congresswoman Jackie Speier Endorses Hillary Clinton for President
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Montana Leaders Decry Comments on Small Town America in an Open Letter
Remarks at the Building Trades National Legislative Conference in Washington, DC
Statement From Hillary Clinton On Pope Benedict's Visit To The U.S.
McCain Campaign Press Release - New Initiatives In The McCain Economic Plan
McCain Campaign Press Release - John McCain 2008 Launches New Television AD: "Ignite"
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - HUBdate: Opportunity for All Americans
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Memo: Tax Day Test: Is Sen. Obama As Transparent As He Claims?
Remarks to the Newspaper Association of America's Annual Conference in Washington, DC
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Statement from Policy Director Neera Tanden on John McCain's Economic Speech
McCain Campaign Press Release - "In Case You Missed It": John McCain On MSNBC's "Hardball"
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Clinton Campaign Announces North Carolina Women's Leadership Council and Women for Hillary
Obama Campaign Press Release - Obama Pledges to Keep Sacred Trust with our Veterans
Interview with Larry Kudlow on CNBC's "Kudlow & Company"
McCain Campaign Press Release - John McCain's Economic Plan
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - 100 Keystone State Mayors Endorse
Media Advisory: John McCain Returns to Wisconsin
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Clinton Campaign Launches "Make Change Count"
Remarks at a Town Hall Meeting with Veterans and Military Families in Washington, Pennsylvania
McCain Campaign Press Release - "In Case You Missed It": "A Lapsed Principle"
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Clinton Supporters Speak Out Against Sen. Obama's Small Town America Comments
Remarks to the Alliance for American Manufacturing in Pittsburgh, PA
Statement By John McCain On President Carter's Plans To Meet With Hamas
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Yellowstone County Commissioner Bill Kennedy Backs Hillary Clinton for President