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Interview With the President Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With Editors and News Directors.
Jimmy Carter
Interview With the President Question-and-Answer Session With Jacobo Zabludovsky of Telerisa, Mexico.
Interview With the President Question-and-Answer Session With Joaquin Lopez-Doriga of Channel 13, Government of Mexico Television.
Interview With the President Question-and-Answer Session With Zhao Zhongxiang of Central TV, People's Republic of China.
Interview With the President Excerpts From a Question-and-Answer Session With John Chancellor of NBC News.
Interview With the President Question-and-Answer Session With Black Media Representatives.
Diplomatic Relations Between the United States and the People's Republic of China Interview With Walter Cronkite of the Columbia Broadcasting System.
Interview With the President and Mrs. Carter Question-and-Answer Session With Barbara Walters of the American Broadcasting Company.
Interview With the President Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session at a Breakfast With Members of the White House Correspondents Association.