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Executive Order 5739—Power-Site Restoration No. 464, Idaho
Herbert Hoover
Statement on the Committee of Inquiry Into Misstatements by the President of the Navy League.
Statement on Unemployment Relief in the District of Columbia.
Statement on Domestic Credit Conditions.
Statement Announcing a Committee of Inquiry Into Misstatements by the President of the Navy League.
Message to President Mustapha Kemal on Turkey's Independence Day.
Executive Order 5738—Authorizing the Appointment of Mrs. Louise A. Gallivan
Message to President Thomas G. Masaryk on Czechoslovakia's Independence Day.
The President's News Conference
Statement on Philippine Independence.
Message of Sympathy on the Death of George Washington Ochs Oakes.
Message of Sympathy on the Death of Charles A. Comiskey.
Letter to Frank P. Walsh, Chairman of the Power Authority of the State of New York.
Statement on Navy Day.
Radio Remarks to the Annual Convention of the National Association of Broadcasters
Exchange of Messages With Prime Minister Laval on His Departure From the United States.
Joint Statement With Prime Minister Laval.
Message of Sympathy on the Death of Representative Fletcher Hale.
Radio Remarks to the Methodist Ecumenical Congress
Message on the 25th Anniversary of the Church of the Good Shepherd, Brooklyn, New York.
Statement on the Visit of Prime Minister Laval.
Executive Order 5737—Amendments to the Consular Regulations
Message Welcoming Prime Minister Pierre Laval of France.
Statement on a National Tribute to Thomas Alva Edison.
Executive Order 5735—Revocation of Withdrawal of Public Lands for Resurvey, New Mexico
Executive Order 5736—Withdrawal of Public Lands in the Philippine Islands for Military Purposes
Address on the 150th Anniversary of the Surrender of General Cornwallis at Yorktown, Virginia.
Remarks at a Luncheon of the Yorktown Sesquicentennial Commission in Yorktown, Virginia.
Radio Address to the Nation on Unemployment Relief
Message of Sympathy on the Death of Thomas Alva Edison.
Statement on the Death of Thomas Alva Edison.
Message on the 19th Anniversary of the German Evangelical Church of Brooklyn, New York.
Executive Order 5734—Extension of Trust Period on Allotments of the Warm Springs Reservation, Oregon
Executive Order 5733—Order of Modification, Coal Withdrawal Wyoming No. 1
Statement on Government Expenditures.
Message on the Formation of the Committee of One Hundred in Dayton, Ohio.
Executive Order 5732—Withdrawal of Public Land for Lookout Station, California
Executive Order 5731—Amending Schedule A, Subdivision VII, of the Civil-Service Rules
Statement on Columbus Day.
Radio Remarks to the Annual Convention of the International Association of Chiefs of Police
Message to the Annual Safety Congress of the National Safety Council.
Remarks to a Delegation of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom.
Message on National Pharmacy Week.
Message to President Chiang Chung-cheng on China's Independence Day.
Executive Order 5730—Extension of Trust Period on Allotments of the Walker River Reservation, Nevada
Address to the Fourth Pan American Commercial Conference.
Letter Accepting the Resignation of Benjamin M. Day as Commissioner of Immigration at the Port of New York.
Message to the National Convention of the Morris Plan Bankers Association.
Message to the Annual Convention of the Atlantic Deeper Waterways Association.
Statement on Financial and Economic Problems.
Message of Sympathy on the Death of Daniel Chester French.
Message to Certain Members of Congress About a Conference on Economic Problems.
Statement About the Conference on Economic Problems With Certain Members of Congress.
Message to the Annual Convention of the National Council of Catholic Women.
Message of Sympathy on the Death of Senator Dwight W. Morrow.