Woodrow Wilson |
Aug 05, 1914
Executive Order 2011—To Enforce Neutrality of Wireless Stations |
Woodrow Wilson |
Aug 05, 1914
Executive Order 2012—For the Relief, Protection and Transportation Home of Americans in Europe at the Outbreak of the European War of 1914 |
Woodrow Wilson |
Jul 30, 1914
Executive Order 2006—Establishing a Wireless Telegraph Station in the Canal Zone for Use of the Navy |
Woodrow Wilson |
Jul 28, 1914
Executive Order 1999—Governing the Inspection of Returns of Corporations, Joint Stock Companies, Associations, or Insurance Companies |
Woodrow Wilson |
Jul 25, 1914
Executive Order 1997—Amending the Civil Service Rules Providing for the Appointment of Aliens When No Citizens Are Available |
Woodrow Wilson |
Jul 23, 1914
Executive Order 1995—Military Reservation for National Guard |
Woodrow Wilson |
Jul 09, 1914
Executive Order 1988—To Require Ocean-Going Vessels to be Fitted With Wireless Apparatus |
Woodrow Wilson |
Jun 06, 1914
Executive Order 1959—Establishing Smith Island Reservation for the Protection of Native Birds |
Woodrow Wilson |
May 20, 1914
Executive Order 1944—To Create a Committee to Formally and Officially Open the Panama Canal |
Woodrow Wilson |
Apr 30, 1914
Executive Order 1926—Relating to Salaries of Consular Officers |
Woodrow Wilson |
Feb 02, 1914
Executive Order 1888—Providing Conditions of Employment for the Permanent Force for the Panama Canal |
Woodrow Wilson |
Jan 27, 1914
Executive Order 1884—To Prevent Fire-Hunting at Night, and Hunting by Means of a Spring or Trap in the Canal Zone, and to Repeal the Executive Order of September 8, 1909 |
Woodrow Wilson |
Jan 27, 1914
Executive Order 1885—To Establish a Permanent Organization for the Operation and Government of the Panama Canal |
Woodrow Wilson |
Jan 21, 1914
Executive Order 1880—To Prevent the Corrupt Influencing of Agents, Employees or Servants in the Canal Zone |
Woodrow Wilson |
Dec 01, 1913
Executive Order 1864—Navajo Reservation, New Mexico |
Woodrow Wilson |
Nov 11, 1913
Executive Order 1860—Fixing the Rate of Interest on Money |
Woodrow Wilson |
Nov 07, 1913
Executive Order 1857—To Regulate the Carrying of Arms in the Canal Zone |
Woodrow Wilson |
Sep 04, 1913
Executive Order 1819—Anaho Island Reservation |
Woodrow Wilson |
Jul 18, 1913
Executive Order 1798—Revocation of Executive Order No. 1540 |
Woodrow Wilson |
Jun 11, 1913
Executive Order 1786—Temporarily Withdrawing From Public Domain Certain Lands in the State of Arizona |
Woodrow Wilson |
Jun 02, 1913
Executive Order 1782—Adding Lands to the Gila River Indian Reservation in Arizona |
Woodrow Wilson |
May 06, 1913
Executive Order 1772—Withdrawing From the Public Domain Certain Lands in the State of California |
Woodrow Wilson |
May 06, 1913
Executive Order 1774—Withdrawing From Public Domain Certain Lands in the State of New Mexico |
William Howard Taft |
Feb 10, 1913
Executive Order 1700—Reserving Lands in New Mexico for Use of the Navajo Indians |
William Howard Taft |
Feb 10, 1913
Executive Order 1699—Reserving Lands in Arizona for Use of the Navajo Indians |
William Howard Taft |
Jan 14, 1913
Executive Order 1681—Reserving Lands in Nevada for Use of the Paiute and Shoshoni Indians |
William Howard Taft |
Jan 14, 1913
Executive Order 1682—Setting Aside Lands in Montana for Administrative Purposes in Connection with Flathead Indians |
William Howard Taft |
Dec 05, 1912
Executive Order 1655—Altering Lands Composing Reservation of Papago Indians |
William Howard Taft |
Nov 26, 1912
Executive Order 1649—Altering Lands Composing the Moapa River Indian Reservation |
William Howard Taft |
Oct 28, 1912
Executive Order 1632—Addition of Lands to the Moapa River Indian Reservation |
William Howard Taft |
Oct 08, 1912
Executive Order 1621—Altering Lands Composing Reservation of Papago Indians |
William Howard Taft |
Sep 16, 1912
Executive Order 1606—Reserving Land in Nevada for Indian Allotment Purposes |
William Howard Taft |
Sep 07, 1912
Executive Order 1603—Reserving Lands in California Pending Investigation as to Suitableness for Paiute or Other Indian Use |
William Howard Taft |
Sep 02, 1912
Executive Order 1598—Eliminating Certain Lands from Reservation of Papago Indians |
William Howard Taft |
Aug 19, 1912
Executive Order 1579—Transferring Certain Lands from Fort Duschesne Military Reservation to Interior Department |
William Howard Taft |
Jul 06, 1912
Executive Order 1558—Reserving Land in South Dakota for Indian School and Administrative Purposes |
William Howard Taft |
May 09, 1912
Executive Order 1529—Reserving Lands in California Pending Investigation as to Suitableness for Paiute or Other Indian Use |
William Howard Taft |
Apr 24, 1912
Executive Order 1522—Reserving for Indian Purposes Certain Lands in the State of California |
William Howard Taft |
Apr 13, 1912
Executive Order 1518—Withdrawing Lands from Flathead or Jocko Reservation for Examination and Classification |
William Howard Taft |
Apr 13, 1912
Executive Order 1517—Reserving for Indian Purposes Certain Lands in the State of California |
William Howard Taft |
Mar 11, 1912
Executive Order 1496—Reserving for Indian Purposes Certain Lands in the State of California |
William Howard Taft |
Mar 11, 1912
Executive Order 1495—Reserving Hunter's Rock or Prince Island in Pacific Ocean for Use of Smith River Indians |
William Howard Taft |
Feb 20, 1912
Executive Order 1485—Restoring to Public Domain Lands in California Which Were Reserved for Indian Purposes |
William Howard Taft |
Feb 17, 1912
Executive Order 1483—Restoring Lands to the Navajo Indians |
William Howard Taft |
Feb 17, 1912
Executive Order 1481—Restoring Lands to Mescalero Apache Indian Reservation |
William Howard Taft |
Feb 17, 1912
Executive Order 1476—Restoring Lands to Jicarilla Apache Indian Reservation |
William Howard Taft |
Feb 17, 1912
Executive Order 1478—Restoring Lands to Tule River Indian Reservation |
William Howard Taft |
Feb 17, 1912
Executive Order 1480—Restoring Lands to Hoopa Valley Indian Reservation |
William Howard Taft |
Feb 17, 1912
Executive Order 1479—Restoring Lands to White Mountain Indian Reservation |
William Howard Taft |
Feb 17, 1912
Executive Order 1477—Restoring Lands to White Mountain Indian Reservation |