Remarks by the Vice President (Theodore Roosevelt to present)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 2248 Items

President Date Title
Theodore Roosevelt
Sep 02, 1901
Remarks by the Vice President at the Minnesota State Fair in Minneapolis
Richard Nixon
Nov 07, 1956
Remarks Following the Election Victory
Gerald R. Ford
Dec 06, 1973
Remarks After Taking the Oath of Office as Vice President
Gerald R. Ford
Mar 06, 1974
Remarks by the Vice President at the National Governors' Conference Winter Meeting
Walter F. Mondale
Feb 02, 1977
The Vice President's News Conference Regarding Travel to Europe and Japan
Walter F. Mondale
Dec 05, 1979
Remarks by the Vice President on the Treatment of American Hostages in Iran
George Bush
Mar 30, 1981
Statement by the Vice President About the Attempted Assassination of the President
George Bush
Mar 31, 1981
Exchange Between the Vice President and Reporters on the President's Recovery Following the Attempted Assassination
George Bush
Mar 31, 1981
Remarks of the Vice President and Prime Minister Andreas A.M. van Agt of The Netherlands Following Their Meetings
George Bush
Apr 02, 1981
Remarks of the Vice President and Deputy Prime Minister Mieczyslaw Jagielski of Poland Following Their Meeting
George Bush
Apr 03, 1981
Remarks of the Vice President on Presenting the Annual Cancer Courage Award to Karen Eakens Anderson
George Bush
Apr 03, 1981
Remarks of the Vice President on Senate Passage of Federal Budget Legislation
George Bush
Apr 06, 1981
Remarks of the Vice President Concerning Law Day, U.S.A., 1981
George Bush
Apr 07, 1981
Remarks of the Vice President at the Annual Republican Senate-House Dinner
George Bush
Jul 19, 1985
Remarks of the Vice President Announcing the Winner of the Teacher in Space Project
Richard B. Cheney
Feb 15, 2001
Remarks by the Vice President at the Conservative Political Action Committee Conference in Arlington, Virginia
Richard B. Cheney
Feb 28, 2001
Remarks by the Vice President to the National Association of Manufacturers
Richard B. Cheney
Mar 13, 2001
Remarks by the Vice President at the INTEL Science Talent Search Awards Gala
Richard B. Cheney
Apr 27, 2001
Remarks by the Vice President at the Presentation of the Harry Yount National Park Ranger Award
Richard B. Cheney
Apr 30, 2001
Remarks by the Vice President at the Annual Meeting of the Associated Press in Toronto
Richard B. Cheney
May 22, 2001
Remarks by the Vice President to the Nuclear Energy Institute 2001 Nuclear Energy Assembly
Richard B. Cheney
May 25, 2001
Remarks by the Vice President at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Rally Supporting the Bush Administration's Energy Plan
Richard B. Cheney
May 26, 2001
Remarks by the Vice President at the Transfer of the JY Ranch in Moose, Wyoming
Richard B. Cheney
May 30, 2001
Remarks by the Vice President at the Air Force Academy Commencement in Colorado Springs, Colorado
Richard B. Cheney
Jun 09, 2001
Remarks by the Vice President at the Hispanic Leadership Forum in Orlando, Florida
Richard B. Cheney
Jun 13, 2001
Remarks by the Vice President to U.S. Energy Association Efficiency Forum
Richard B. Cheney
Jun 29, 2001
Remarks by the Vice President in a Briefing with Reporters
Richard B. Cheney
Jul 16, 2001
Remarks by the Vice President at Town Hall Energy Meeting Community College of Allegheny County in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Richard B. Cheney
Jul 16, 2001
Remarks by the Vice President and Lynne Cheney at the 66th Annual Conference and Exposition in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Richard B. Cheney
Sep 16, 2001
Interview of the Vice President on Meet the Press with Tim Russert at Camp David, Maryland
Richard B. Cheney
Oct 18, 2001
Remarks by the Vice President at the 56th Annual Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner in New York City
Richard B. Cheney
Oct 23, 2001
Remarks by the Vice President on Receiving the International Republican Institute's 2001 Freedom Award
Richard B. Cheney
Oct 25, 2001
Remarks by the Vice President to the Republican Governors Association
Richard B. Cheney
Nov 10, 2001
Remarks by the Vice President at a Celebration for the Marine Corps Birthday
Richard B. Cheney
Nov 11, 2001
Remarks by the Vice President at Veterans Day Ceremony at Arlington National Cemetary
Richard B. Cheney
Nov 14, 2001
Remarks by the Vice President to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Richard B. Cheney
Nov 14, 2001
Interview of the Vice President on 60 Minutes II
Richard B. Cheney
Nov 15, 2001
Remarks by the Vice President at the Federalist Society Annual Convention Dinner
Richard B. Cheney
Nov 15, 2001
Interview of the Vice President by the BBC
Richard B. Cheney
Nov 29, 2001
Interview of the Vice President by Diane Sawyer of ABC
Richard B. Cheney
Dec 09, 2001
Interview of the Vice President on NBC's Meet the Press
Richard B. Cheney
Dec 11, 2001
Interview of the Vice President by Jim Angle of Fox TV News
Richard B. Cheney
Jan 27, 2002
Interview of the Vice President on Fox News Sunday
Richard B. Cheney
Jan 27, 2002
Interview of the Vice President on ABC's This Week
Richard B. Cheney
Jan 28, 2002
Interview of the Vice President by Campbell Brown, NBC News
Richard B. Cheney
Feb 15, 2002
Remarks by the Vice President to the Council on Foreign Relations
Richard B. Cheney
Feb 18, 2002
Remarks by the Vice President at Miramar Marine Air Station in San Diego
Richard B. Cheney
Feb 21, 2002
Remarks by the Vice President to Technology Industry Leaders in San Jose, California
Richard B. Cheney
Feb 27, 2002
Remarks by the Vice President in FirstGov Website Launch
Richard B. Cheney
Mar 08, 2002
Remarks by the Vice President on His Trip to the Middle East