Harry S Truman |
Jul 29, 1948
Proclamation 2801—Amendments of Regulations Relating to Migratory Birds and Game Mammals |
Harry S Truman |
Jul 20, 1948
Proclamation 2799—Selective Service Registration |
Harry S Truman |
Jul 20, 1948
Proclamation 2800—Supplemental Quota on Imports of Long-Staple Cotton |
Harry S Truman |
Jul 15, 1948
Proclamation 2796—Convening the Congress |
Harry S Truman |
Jul 15, 1948
Proclamation 2797—Death of General Pershing |
Harry S Truman |
Jul 15, 1948
Proclamation 2798—Supplementing Proclamations of December 16, 1947 and January 1, 1948, Carrying Out General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and Exclusive Trade Agreement with Cuba, Respectively |
Harry S Truman |
Jul 02, 1948
Proclamation 2795—Display of the Flag at Fort McHenry National Monument and Historic Shrine |
Harry S Truman |
Jul 02, 1948
Proclamation 2794—Extension of Time for Renewing Trademark Registrations: Belgium |
Harry S Truman |
Jul 01, 1948
Proclamation 2793—Determining the Drug Isoamidone to Be An Opiate |
Harry S Truman |
Jun 25, 1948
Proclamation 2792—Supplementing Proclamations of December 16, 1947 and January 1, 1948, Carrying Out General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and Exclusive Trade Agreement with Cuba, Respectively |
Harry S Truman |
Jun 12, 1948
Proclamation 2791—Supplementing Proclamation of December 16, 1947 Carrying Out General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade |
Harry S Truman |
Jun 11, 1948
Proclamation 2790—Supplementing Proclamations of December 16, 1947 and January 1, 1948, Carrying Out General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and Exclusive Trade Agreement with Cuba, Respectively |
Harry S Truman |
Jun 01, 1948
Proclamation 2789—Flag Day, 1948 |
Harry S Truman |
May 28, 1948
Proclamation 2788—Prayer for Peace: Memorial Day, 1948 |
Harry S Truman |
May 27, 1948
Proclamation 2787—Enlarging the Aztec Ruins National Monument, New Mexico |
Harry S Truman |
May 27, 1948
Proclamation 2786—Extension of Time for Renewing Trademark Registrations: The Philippines |
Harry S Truman |
May 10, 1948
Proclamation 2785—Francis Marion National Forest Wildlife Preserve |
Harry S Truman |
May 04, 1948
Proclamation 2784—Supplementing Proclamations of December 16, 1947 and January 1, 1948, Carrying Out General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and Exclusive Trade Agreement with Cuba, Respectively |
Harry S Truman |
Apr 24, 1948
Proclamation 2783—World Trade Week, 1948 |
Harry S Truman |
Apr 22, 1948
Proclamation 2781—National Maritime Day, 1948 |
Harry S Truman |
Apr 22, 1948
Proclamation 2782—Supplementing Proclamations of December 16, 1947 and January 1, 1948, Carrying Out General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and Exclusive Trade Agreement with Cuba, Respectively |
Harry S Truman |
Apr 20, 1948
Proclamation 2780—Mother's Day, 1948 |
Harry S Truman |
Apr 16, 1948
Proclamation 2778—Child Health Day, 1948 |
Harry S Truman |
Apr 16, 1948
Proclamation 2779—National Farm Safety Week, 1948 |
Harry S Truman |
Mar 30, 1948
Proclamation 2777—"I Am an American Day," 1948 |
Harry S Truman |
Mar 26, 1948
Proclamation 2775—Panama Canal Toll Rates |
Harry S Truman |
Mar 26, 1948
Proclamation 2776—Enumeration of Arms, Ammunition, and Implements of War |
Harry S Truman |
Mar 25, 1948
Proclamation 2774—Cancer Control Month, 1948 |
Harry S Truman |
Mar 24, 1948
Proclamation 2773—Enlarging the Fort Matanzas National Monument, Florida |
Harry S Truman |
Mar 20, 1948
Proclamation 2771—Army Day, 1948 |
Harry S Truman |
Mar 20, 1948
Proclamation 2772—Pan American Week, 1948 |
Harry S Truman |
Feb 18, 1948
Proclamation 2770—Red Cross Month, 1948 |
Harry S Truman |
Jan 30, 1948
Proclamation 2768—Extension of Time for Renewing Trademark Registrations: Denmark |
Harry S Truman |
Jan 30, 1948
Proclamation 2769—Supplementing Proclamations of December 16, 1947 and January 1, 1948, Carrying Out General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and Exclusive Trade Agreement with Cuba, Respectively |
Harry S Truman |
Jan 27, 1948
Proclamation 2767—Prevention and Control of Juvenile Delinquency |
Harry S Truman |
Jan 21, 1948
Proclamation 2766—Extension of Time for Renewing Trademark Registrations: Luxembourg |
Harry S Truman |
Jan 06, 1948
Proclamation 2765—Extension of Time for Renewing Trademark Registrations: Norway |
Harry S Truman |
Jan 01, 1948
Proclamation 2764—Carrying Out Exclusive Trade Agreement with Cuba of October 30, 1947 |
Harry S Truman |
Dec 24, 1947
Proclamation 2763—Termination of Trade Agreement Proclamations |
Harry S Truman |
Dec 23, 1947
Proclamation 2762—Granting Pardon to Certain Persons Convicted of Violating the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940 as Amended |
Harry S Truman |
Dec 16, 1947
Proclamation 2761A—Carrying Out General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade Concluded at Geneva, October 30, 1947 |
Harry S Truman |
Dec 10, 1947
Proclamation 2761—Bill of Rights Day, 1947 |
Harry S Truman |
Dec 09, 1947
Proclamation 2760—Extending the Period for the Establishment of Adequate Shipping Service for, and Deferring Extension of the Coastwise Laws to, Canton Island |
Harry S Truman |
Dec 05, 1947
Proclamation 2759—Extension of Time for Renewing Trademark Registrations: Finland |
Harry S Truman |
Dec 02, 1947
Proclamation 2758—Closed Area Under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act: Florida |
Harry S Truman |
Nov 28, 1947
Proclamation 2757—Terminating the Suspension of Title II of the Sugar Act of 1937 |
Harry S Truman |
Nov 10, 1947
Proclamation 2756—Thanksgiving Day, 1947 |
Harry S Truman |
Nov 10, 1947
Proclamation 2754—Extension of Time for Renewing Trade-Mark Registrations: France |
Harry S Truman |
Nov 10, 1947
Proclamation 2755—Extension of Time for Renewing Trademark Registrations: The Netherlands |
Harry S Truman |
Oct 29, 1947
Proclamation 2753—Armistice Day, 1947 |