William McKinley |
May 27, 1898
Proclamation 416—Enlarging the Pecos River Forest Reserve in the Territory of New Mexico |
William McKinley |
May 25, 1898
Proclamation 415—Calling Forth Additional Volunteers to Serve in the War with Spain |
William McKinley |
May 10, 1898
Proclamation 414—Setting Apart Public Lands in the Territory of Arizona as a Public Reservation |
William McKinley |
Apr 26, 1898
Proclamation 413—Standards of Conduct and Respect of Neutral Rights in the War with Spain |
William McKinley |
Apr 23, 1898
Proclamation 412—Calling Forth Volunteers to Serve in the War with Spain |
William McKinley |
Apr 22, 1898
Proclamation 411—Blockade of Cuba |
William McKinley |
Nov 12, 1897
Proclamation 409—Suspending Discriminating Duties on Foreign Vessels and Commerce |
William McKinley |
Oct 29, 1897
Proclamation 408—Thanksgiving Day, 1897 |
William McKinley |
Mar 06, 1897
Proclamation 406—Convening an Extra Session of Congress |
Grover Cleveland |
Feb 24, 1897
Proclamation 405—Convening an Extra Session of the United States Senate |
Grover Cleveland |
Feb 22, 1897
Proclamation 404—Withdrawal of Lands for the Unita Forest Reserve, Utah |
Grover Cleveland |
Feb 22, 1897
Proclamation 403—Withdrawal of Lands for the San Jacinto Forest Reserve, California |
Grover Cleveland |
Feb 22, 1897
Proclamation 400—Establishment of the Mount Rainier Forest Reserve, Washington |
Grover Cleveland |
Feb 22, 1897
Proclamation 402—Withdrawal of Lands for the Stanislaus Forest Reserve, California |
Grover Cleveland |
Feb 22, 1897
Proclamation 398—Withdrawal of Lands for the Bitter Root Forest Reserve, Idaho and Montana |
Grover Cleveland |
Feb 22, 1897
Proclamation 401—Withdrawal of Lands for the Mount Rainier Forest Reserve, Washington |
Grover Cleveland |
Feb 22, 1897
Proclamation 392—Withdrawal of Lands for the Black Hills Forest Reserve, South Dakota |
Grover Cleveland |
Feb 22, 1897
Proclamation 397—Establishment of the Priest River National Forest Reserve, Idaho and Washington |
Grover Cleveland |
Feb 22, 1897
Proclamation 399—Withdrawal of Lands for the Washington Forest Reserve, Washington |
Grover Cleveland |
Feb 22, 1897
Proclamation 393—Withdrawl of Lands for the Big Horn Forest Reserve, Wyoming |
Grover Cleveland |
Feb 22, 1897
Proclamation 395—Withdrawal of Lands for the Flathead Forest Reserve, Montana |
Grover Cleveland |
Feb 22, 1897
Proclamation 394—Withdrawl of Lands for the Teton Forest Reserve, Wyoming |
Grover Cleveland |
Feb 22, 1897
Proclamation 396—Withdrawal of Lands for the Lewis and Clark Forest Reserve, Montana |
Grover Cleveland |
Dec 31, 1896
Proclamation 391—Enforcement of an Act to Prevent Collisions at Sea |
Grover Cleveland |
Dec 03, 1896
Proclamation 390—Revocation of Suspension of Tonnage Duties and Imposts on German Vessels |
Grover Cleveland |
Nov 14, 1896
Proclamation 389—Exclusion of Greek Oriental Church Lands in Sitka, Alaska, From Withdrawal for Public Purposes |
Grover Cleveland |
Nov 04, 1896
Proclamation 388—Thanksgiving Day, 1896 |
Grover Cleveland |
Jul 27, 1896
Proclamation 387—Continuing Neutrality of Citizens of the United States in the Civil Disturbance in Cuba |
Grover Cleveland |
May 25, 1896
Proclamation 386—Copyright Extension to Chile |
Grover Cleveland |
Apr 14, 1896
Proclamation 385—Inclusion of the Bering Sea in Prohibition of Killing Fur-Bearing Animals in Alaska |
Grover Cleveland |
Mar 16, 1896
Proclamation 384—Declaring as a Reservation for the Choctaw Nation, Certain Lands in the State of Texas |
Grover Cleveland |
Feb 27, 1896
Proclamation 383—Copyright Extension to Mexico |
Grover Cleveland |
Jan 04, 1896
Proclamation 382—Admitting Utah to the Union |
Grover Cleveland |
Nov 08, 1895
Proclamation 380—Suspension of Meat Cattle Import Prohibition |
Grover Cleveland |
Nov 08, 1895
Proclamation 381—Opening of Nez Perce Indian Lands to Settlement, Idaho |
Grover Cleveland |
Nov 04, 1895
Proclamation 379—Thanksgiving Day, 1895 |
Grover Cleveland |
Jul 10, 1895
Proclamation 378—Copyright: Spain |
Grover Cleveland |
Jun 12, 1895
Proclamation 377—Neutrality of Citizens of the United States in the Civil Disturbances in Cuba |
Grover Cleveland |
May 28, 1895
Proclamation 376—Announcing the Death of Secretary of State Walter Q. Gresham |
Grover Cleveland |
May 18, 1895
Proclamation 375—Opening to Settlement Certain Lands Within the Kickapoo Reservation, Oklahoma Territory |
Grover Cleveland |
May 16, 1895
Proclamation 373—Opening to Settlement the Lands Acquired from the Yankton Tribe of Sioux or Dacota Indians |
Grover Cleveland |
May 16, 1895
Proclamation 374—Opening to Settlement the Lands of the Alsea and Other Indians Within the Silerz Reservation |
Grover Cleveland |
Feb 25, 1895
Proclamation 372—Postponing Enforcement of the "Act to Adopt Regulations for Presenting Collisions at Sea" |
Grover Cleveland |
Feb 18, 1895
Proclamation 371—Prohibiting the Hunting of Fur-Bearing Animals in the Alaska Territory |
Grover Cleveland |
Dec 05, 1894
Proclamation—Declaring Lands Once Designated for Railroads Forfeited to the United States |
Grover Cleveland |
Nov 01, 1894
Proclamation 370—Thanksgiving Day, 1894 |
Grover Cleveland |
Sep 25, 1894
Proclamation 369—Granting Amnesty and Pardon for the Offenses of Polygamy, Bigamy, Adultery, or Unlawful Cohabitation to Members of the Church of Latter-Day Saints |
Grover Cleveland |
Jul 13, 1894
Proclamation 368—Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea |
Grover Cleveland |
Jul 09, 1894
Proclamation 367—Law and Order in Parts of the States of North Dakota, Montana, Idaho, Washington, Wyoming, Colorado, and California and the Territories of Utah and New Mexico |
Grover Cleveland |
Jul 08, 1894
Proclamation 366—Law and Order in the State of Illinois |