Proclamations (Washington 1789 - present)

Displaying 9001 - 9050 of 9475 Items

President Date Title
William McKinley
May 27, 1898
Proclamation 416—Enlarging the Pecos River Forest Reserve in the Territory of New Mexico
William McKinley
May 25, 1898
Proclamation 415—Calling Forth Additional Volunteers to Serve in the War with Spain
William McKinley
May 10, 1898
Proclamation 414—Setting Apart Public Lands in the Territory of Arizona as a Public Reservation
William McKinley
Apr 26, 1898
Proclamation 413—Standards of Conduct and Respect of Neutral Rights in the War with Spain
William McKinley
Apr 23, 1898
Proclamation 412—Calling Forth Volunteers to Serve in the War with Spain
William McKinley
Apr 22, 1898
Proclamation 411—Blockade of Cuba
William McKinley
Nov 12, 1897
Proclamation 409—Suspending Discriminating Duties on Foreign Vessels and Commerce
William McKinley
Oct 29, 1897
Proclamation 408—Thanksgiving Day, 1897
William McKinley
Mar 06, 1897
Proclamation 406—Convening an Extra Session of Congress
Grover Cleveland
Feb 24, 1897
Proclamation 405—Convening an Extra Session of the United States Senate
Grover Cleveland
Feb 22, 1897
Proclamation 404—Withdrawal of Lands for the Unita Forest Reserve, Utah
Grover Cleveland
Feb 22, 1897
Proclamation 403—Withdrawal of Lands for the San Jacinto Forest Reserve, California
Grover Cleveland
Feb 22, 1897
Proclamation 400—Establishment of the Mount Rainier Forest Reserve, Washington
Grover Cleveland
Feb 22, 1897
Proclamation 402—Withdrawal of Lands for the Stanislaus Forest Reserve, California
Grover Cleveland
Feb 22, 1897
Proclamation 398—Withdrawal of Lands for the Bitter Root Forest Reserve, Idaho and Montana
Grover Cleveland
Feb 22, 1897
Proclamation 401—Withdrawal of Lands for the Mount Rainier Forest Reserve, Washington
Grover Cleveland
Feb 22, 1897
Proclamation 392—Withdrawal of Lands for the Black Hills Forest Reserve, South Dakota
Grover Cleveland
Feb 22, 1897
Proclamation 397—Establishment of the Priest River National Forest Reserve, Idaho and Washington
Grover Cleveland
Feb 22, 1897
Proclamation 399—Withdrawal of Lands for the Washington Forest Reserve, Washington
Grover Cleveland
Feb 22, 1897
Proclamation 393—Withdrawl of Lands for the Big Horn Forest Reserve, Wyoming
Grover Cleveland
Feb 22, 1897
Proclamation 395—Withdrawal of Lands for the Flathead Forest Reserve, Montana
Grover Cleveland
Feb 22, 1897
Proclamation 394—Withdrawl of Lands for the Teton Forest Reserve, Wyoming
Grover Cleveland
Feb 22, 1897
Proclamation 396—Withdrawal of Lands for the Lewis and Clark Forest Reserve, Montana
Grover Cleveland
Dec 31, 1896
Proclamation 391—Enforcement of an Act to Prevent Collisions at Sea
Grover Cleveland
Dec 03, 1896
Proclamation 390—Revocation of Suspension of Tonnage Duties and Imposts on German Vessels
Grover Cleveland
Nov 14, 1896
Proclamation 389—Exclusion of Greek Oriental Church Lands in Sitka, Alaska, From Withdrawal for Public Purposes
Grover Cleveland
Nov 04, 1896
Proclamation 388—Thanksgiving Day, 1896
Grover Cleveland
Jul 27, 1896
Proclamation 387—Continuing Neutrality of Citizens of the United States in the Civil Disturbance in Cuba
Grover Cleveland
May 25, 1896
Proclamation 386—Copyright Extension to Chile
Grover Cleveland
Apr 14, 1896
Proclamation 385—Inclusion of the Bering Sea in Prohibition of Killing Fur-Bearing Animals in Alaska
Grover Cleveland
Mar 16, 1896
Proclamation 384—Declaring as a Reservation for the Choctaw Nation, Certain Lands in the State of Texas
Grover Cleveland
Feb 27, 1896
Proclamation 383—Copyright Extension to Mexico
Grover Cleveland
Jan 04, 1896
Proclamation 382—Admitting Utah to the Union
Grover Cleveland
Nov 08, 1895
Proclamation 380—Suspension of Meat Cattle Import Prohibition
Grover Cleveland
Nov 08, 1895
Proclamation 381—Opening of Nez Perce Indian Lands to Settlement, Idaho
Grover Cleveland
Nov 04, 1895
Proclamation 379—Thanksgiving Day, 1895
Grover Cleveland
Jul 10, 1895
Proclamation 378—Copyright: Spain
Grover Cleveland
Jun 12, 1895
Proclamation 377—Neutrality of Citizens of the United States in the Civil Disturbances in Cuba
Grover Cleveland
May 28, 1895
Proclamation 376—Announcing the Death of Secretary of State Walter Q. Gresham
Grover Cleveland
May 18, 1895
Proclamation 375—Opening to Settlement Certain Lands Within the Kickapoo Reservation, Oklahoma Territory
Grover Cleveland
May 16, 1895
Proclamation 373—Opening to Settlement the Lands Acquired from the Yankton Tribe of Sioux or Dacota Indians
Grover Cleveland
May 16, 1895
Proclamation 374—Opening to Settlement the Lands of the Alsea and Other Indians Within the Silerz Reservation
Grover Cleveland
Feb 25, 1895
Proclamation 372—Postponing Enforcement of the "Act to Adopt Regulations for Presenting Collisions at Sea"
Grover Cleveland
Feb 18, 1895
Proclamation 371—Prohibiting the Hunting of Fur-Bearing Animals in the Alaska Territory
Grover Cleveland
Dec 05, 1894
Proclamation—Declaring Lands Once Designated for Railroads Forfeited to the United States
Grover Cleveland
Nov 01, 1894
Proclamation 370—Thanksgiving Day, 1894
Grover Cleveland
Sep 25, 1894
Proclamation 369—Granting Amnesty and Pardon for the Offenses of Polygamy, Bigamy, Adultery, or Unlawful Cohabitation to Members of the Church of Latter-Day Saints
Grover Cleveland
Jul 13, 1894
Proclamation 368—Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea
Grover Cleveland
Jul 09, 1894
Proclamation 367—Law and Order in Parts of the States of North Dakota, Montana, Idaho, Washington, Wyoming, Colorado, and California and the Territories of Utah and New Mexico
Grover Cleveland
Jul 08, 1894
Proclamation 366—Law and Order in the State of Illinois