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A rule or order issued by the president to an executive branch of the government and having the force of law.
Executive Order 2047—Setting Aside Public Land for an Elk Refuge
Woodrow Wilson
Executive Order 2046—Ranger Station for Clear Creek Administrative Site Near Coconino National Forest, Arizona
Executive Order 2044—Appointing Experts for War Risk Insurance in Treasury Department
Executive Order 2045—Combining Manzano and Zuni National Forests in Arizona and New Mexico
Executive Order 2042—Taking Over High-Power Radio Station for Use of the Government
Executive Order 2039—Admitting Foreign-Built Ships to American Registry
Executive Order 2030—Gila River Reservation
Executive Order 2031—Designating Customs Collection Districts
Executive Order 2029—Transferring Deadmans Island to the Health Service
Executive Order 2021—Amending the Rules Governing the Granting of Passports
Executive Order 2020—To Amend the Executive Order of April 15, 1913, Entitled: "Executive Order to Provide Maritime Quarantine Regulations for the Canal Zone and the Harbors of the Cities of Panama and Colon, Republic of Panama."
Executive Order 2024—For a Lookout Station at Twin Sisters Administrative Site (Near Colorado National Forest), Colorado
Executive Order 2023—Chuckekanzie
Executive Order 2019—To Require Security for Costs in Civil Cases in the Canal Zone
Executive Order 2022—Temporarily Abolishing Fees for Passports and Providing for Certification of Same
Executive Order 2018—Relating to Postal Crimes in the Canal Zone
Executive Order 2017—Giving the Treasury Department Full Authority to All Customs Officers in the Enforcement of the Neutrality Laws During Emergency
Executive Order 2016—Relating to the Customs Service and Providing for Fines for Dishonest Manifests in the Canal Zone
Executive Order 2013—Establishing Board of Relief for Benefit of Americans Stranded Abroad During the European War of 1914
Executive Order 2012—For the Relief, Protection and Transportation Home of Americans in Europe at the Outbreak of the European War of 1914