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A rule or order issued by the president to an executive branch of the government and having the force of law.
Executive Order 11547—Amending Executive Order No. 11330 With Respect to Membership and Chairmanship
Richard Nixon
Executive Order 11545—Establishing the Defense Distinguished Service Medal
Executive Order 11546—Establishing the President's Commission for the Observance of the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of the United Nations
Executive Order 11544—Establishing the Vice Presidential Service Certificate and the Vice Presidential Service Badge
Executive Order 11543—Creating an Emergency Board to Investigate Disputes Between the Carriers Represented by the National Railway Labor Conferences and Certain of Their Employees
Executive Order 11542—Amending Executive Order No. 11248, Placing Certain Positions in Levels IV and V of the Federal Executive Salary Schedule
Executive Order 11540—Amending Executive Order No. 11248, Placing Certain Positions in Levels IV and V of the Federal Executive Salary Schedule
Executive Order 11541—Prescribing the Duties of the Office of Management and Budget and the Domestic Council in the Executive Office of the President
Executive Order 11539—Delegations of Authority to Negotiate Agreements and Issue Regulations Limiting Imports of Certain Meats
Executive Order 11538—Delegating to the Secretary of Transportation the Authority of the President to Establish and Conduct an International Aeronautical Exposition
Executive Order 11537—Amending the Selective Service Regulations Concerning the Ordering of Registrants for Induction
Executive Order 11536—Establishing the President's Commission on Campus Unrest
Executive Order 11535—Providing for Inspection of Certain Tax Returns by the House Committee on the Judiciary
Executive Order 11534—Establishing the National Council on Organized Crime
Executive Order 11533—Administration of the Export Administration Act of 1969
Statement on Signing Executive Order Establishing the National Council on Organized Crime.
Executive Order 11532—Establishing the Interdepartmental Committee for (the) Voluntary Payroll Savings Plan for the Purchase of United States Savings Bonds
Executive Order 11531—Delegating Authority of the President Under Section 4102(a)(2)(B) of Title 5, United States Code, to Designate U.S. Marshals and U.S. Attorneys for Training
Executive Order 11530—Amending Executive Order No. 10624, as Amended, Providing for Regulations Relating to Personnel of the Department of Agriculture Assigned to Service Abroad
Executive Order 11528—Changing the Jurisdiction and Membership of the New England River Basins Commission
Executive Order 11529—Terminating Obsolete Bodies Established by Executive Order
Executive Order 11527—Amending the Selective Service Regulations
Executive Order 11526—Establishing the National Council on Federal Disaster Assistance
Executive Order 11525—Adjusting Rates of Monthly Basic Pay for Members of the Uniformed Services
Executive Order 11524—Adjusting rates of Pay for Certain Statutory Schedules
Executive Order 11523—Establishing the National Industrial Pollution Control Council
Executive Order 11522—Assigning Emergency Preparedness Functions to the United States Information Agency
Executive Order 11521—Authorizing Veterans Readjustment Appointments for Veterans of the Vietnam Era
Executive Order 11520—Amending Executive Order No. 11407, Relating to the Presidential Service Certificate and the Presidential Service Badge
Executive Order 11519—Calling Into Service Members and Units of the National Guard
Executive Order 11518—Providing for the Increased Representation of the Interests of Small Business Concerns Before Departments and Agencies of the United States Government
Executive Order 11517—Providing for the Issuance and Signature by the Secretary of State of Warrants Appointing Agents to Return Fugitives From Justice Extradited to the United States
Executive Order 11516—Amending Executive Order No. 11248, Placing Certain Positions in Levels IV and V of the Federal Executive Salary Schedule
Executive Order 11515—Terminating Certain Bodies Established by the President
Executive Order 11514—Protection and Enhancement of Environmental Quality
Executive Order 11513—Establishing the President's Commission on School Finance
Executive Order 11511—Amending Executive Order No. 11157 as it Relates to Basic Allowances for Quarters for Members Without Dependents
Executive Order 11512—Planning, Acquisition, and Management of Federal Space
Executive Order 11510—Amending Executive Order No. 11248, Placing Certain Positions in Level IV and V of the Federal Executive Salary Schedule
Executive Order 11509—Establishing the President's Advisory Council on Management Improvement
Executive Order 11508—Providing for the Identification of Unneeded Federal Real Property
Executive Order 11507—Prevention, Control, and Abatement of Air and Water Pollution at Federal Facilities
Statement on Signing an Executive Order for the Control of Air and Water Pollution at Federal Facilities.
Executive Order 11506—Further Amending Executive Order No. 11211, Relating to the Exclusion for Original or New Japanese Issues as Required for International Monetary Stability
Executive Order 11505—Providing for Inspection of Certain Tax Returns by the Senate Committee on the Judiciary
Executive Order 11504—Amending Executive Order No. 11248, Placing Certain Positions in Levels IV and V of the Federal Executive Salary Schedule
Executive Order 11503—Excusing Federal Employees From Duty on December 26, 1969
Executive Order 11502—Enlarging the Membership of the President's Committee on the National Medal of Science
Executive Order 11501—Administration of Foreign Military Sales
Executive Order 11500—Amending Executive Order No. 11452, Establishing the Council for Urban Affairs
Executive Order 11499—Amending Executive Order No. 11248, Placing Certain Positions in Levels IV and V of the Federal Executive Salary Schedule
Executive Order 11498—Delegating to the Secretary of Defense the Authority to Approve Regulations Governing the Early Discharge of Enlisted Members
Executive Order 11497—Amending the Selective Service Regulations to Prescribe Random Selection
Executive Order 11496—Regulation Governing the Entry or Withdrawal From Warehouse of Certain Meat With Respect to Which an Agreement Has Been Concluded
Executive Order 11495—Providing for the Administration of the Disaster Relief Act of 1969
Executive Order 11494—Establishing the Presidential Citizens Medal
Executive Order 11493—Establishing the Council for Rural Affairs
Executive Order 11492—Amending Executive Order No. 11398 with Respect to the Citizens Advisory Committee on Physical Fitness and Sports
Executive Order 11491—Labor-Management Relations in the Federal Service
Executive Order 11490—Assigning Emergency Preparedness Functions to Federal Departments and Agencies