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Executive Order 6825—Exemption of C. Frank Wittenauer from Compulsory Retirement for Age
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Statement on the Death of Speaker Henry T. Rainey.
Executive Order 6824—Waiving Provisions of Executive Order of January 17, 1873, Prohibiting Federal Officers and Employees From Holding State or Municipal Offices, as to Robert H. Jackson
Executive Order 6823—Allocation of Funds for the National Reemployment Service
Greeting to the Grand Army of the Republic.
New Year's Greeting to American Jews.
Executive Order 6822—Withdrawal of Public Land for Administrative Purposes
Executive Order 6821—Exemption of Ingild Povelsen From Compulsory Retirement for Age
Executive Order 6820—Allocation of Funds for the Control of the Infestation of the Japanese Beetle at St. Louis, Missouri
Executive Order 6819—Withdrawal of Public Lands in Connection with Waterworks Projects, City of Rawlins, Wyoming
Executive Order 6815—Public Water Reserve No. 156
Proclamation 2093—Allowing Importation of Duty-Free Livestock Feed to Drought Areas
Executive Order 6818—Partial Revocation of Executive Order No. 1222, Dated July 1, 1910, Withdrawing Public Lands
Executive Order 6817—Withdrawal of Public Land for Administrative Site
Executive Order 6816—Withdrawal of Public Land for Administrative Site
Address Delivered at Green Bay, Wisconsin
Proclamation 2092—Coinage of Silver
Executive Order 6814—Requiring the Delivery of All Silver to the United States for Coinage
Address Delivered at Rochester, Minnesota
Remarks at Devils Lake, North Dakota
Remarks at Fort Peck Dam, Montana
Remarks at Havre, Montana
Radio Address from Two Medicine Chalet, Glacier National Park.
Executive Order 6807—Withdrawal of Public Lands for Resurvey
Executive Order 6806—Transfer of Lands From the Tusayan National Forest to the Kaibab National Forest
Executive Order 6805—Withdrawal of Public Land for Administrative Purposes
Executive Order 6804—Withdrawal of Public Lands for the Use of the Department of Agriculture
Executive Order 6803—Revocation in Part of Executive Order No. 5341, of May 2, 1930 Withdrawing Public Lands
Remarks at the Site of the Grand Coulee Dam, Washington
Executive Order 6813—Approving Agreement Between Mason Contractors and Their Employees in and About New York City
Executive Order 6812—Approval of Amendment to the Code of Fair Competition for the Distilled Spirits Rectifying Industry
Executive Order 6811—Approval of Amendment to the Code of Fair Competition for the Distilled Spirits Industry
Executive Order 6810—Amendment of Executive Order No. 6657-A, of March 27, 1934
Executive Order 6809—Black Hills National Forest
Executive Order 6808—Restoration to Entry of Land in Chugach National Forest
Executive Order 6802—Revocation of Executive Order of January 31, 1899, as Modified, Withdrawing Public Land, and Withdrawal of Such Land for Wild-Life Administrative Site
Remarks at the Site of the Bonneville Dam, Oregon
Letter to Alben Barkley Urging Equal Opportunity to Exercise the Right to Vote. From U.S.S. Houston.
Remarks in Hawaii
Executive Order 6798—Withdrawal of Public Land for Lookout Station