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Message to the Robert Burns Memorial Association.
Herbert Hoover
Executive Order 5145—Authorizing the Appointment of Ida A. Coffey Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
Executive Order 5146—Authorizing the Appointment of Edna May Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
The President's News Conference
Telegram Expressing Appreciation for a Resolution of Support by the Virginia Republican Convention.
Statement on Signing a Proclamation on the Colorado River Compact and the Boulder Canyon Project
Proclamation 1882—Colorado River Compact and the Boulder Canyon Project
Executive Order 5144—Reserving Certain Described Lands Pending Resurvey, New Mexico
Message to the National Association of Real Estate Boards.
Message for the Dedication of the Orange, New Jersey, War Memorial.
Executive Order 5143—Restricting for the Time Being the Transportation of Passengers from Certain Ports in the Orient to a United States Port
Letter to the International Falls City Council on Its Protest Against Prohibition Enforcement Incidents.
Executive Order 5140—Reserving Certain Described Lands Pending Resurvey, Wyoming
Executive Order 5141—Reserving Certain Described Lands for Classification as to Suitability for a Game Refuge, Nevada
Executive Order 5142—Authorizing the Reinstatement of Ralph Ely Stedman Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
Executive Order 5139—Reserving Certain Described Lands in Philippine Islands for Naval Reservations
Statement on the German Reparations Plan.
Statement on Prohibition Enforcement Incidents at the Canadian Border.
Executive Order 5137—Establishing Carbury, North Dakota as a Customs Port of Entry
Executive Order 5138—Reserving Certain Described Lands for Classification and Pending Legislation, Wisconsin
Message to the First Meeting of the International Hospital Congress.
Letter to the Speaker of the House Recommending Appropriations for the Federal Farm Board.
Statement on the Enactment of the Farm Relief Bill and on Plans for the Federal Farm Board.
Message for the Dedication of a New Y.M.C.A. Building in Philadelphia.
Letter Regretting Inability To Attend Independence Day Americanization Ceremonies in New York City.
Message to President Gaston Doumergue of France on the Transatlantic Flight of the French Plane Yellow Bird.
Executive Order 5136—Amending Alaska Railroad Townsite Regulations
Executive Order 5134—Authorizing the Appointment of Mary V. Kehoe Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
Executive Order 5135—Authorizing the Appointment of Walter K. Liscombe Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
Statement on the Senate's Action on the Farm Relief Bill.
Remarks Upon Laying the Cornerstone of the New Department of Commerce Building.
Executive Order 5133—Exempting Percy W. Phillips from Civil Service Rules Prohibiting Federal Employees from Holding Office Under State, Territorial, or Municipal Government
Letter on the Resignation of J. Reuben Clark as Under Secretary of State.
Executive Order 5132—Restoring Certain Reserved Lands in Hawaii Withdrawn for Kahuaiki [Fort Shafter] Military Reservation to Territory of Hawaii Government