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Address Before the Forty-Second International Convention of the Young Men's Christian Associations of the United States and Canada, Washington, D.C.
Calvin Coolidge
Address Before the Annual Council of the Congregational Churches, Washington, D.C.
Excerpts of the President's News Conference
Address Before the American Legion Convention at Omaha, Nebraska
Proclamation 1749—Modifying the Boundaries of the Santa Barbara National Forest, California
Proclamation—American Education Week, 1925
Proclamation—National Fire Prevention Week, 1925
Excerpts of the President's News Conference in Swampscott, Massachusetts
Executive Order 4268—Remission of Further Payments of Installments of the Chinese Indemnity
Address at the Celebration of the 150th Anniversary of George Washington Taking Command of the Continental Army, Cambridge, Mass.
Address at a Meeting of the Business Organization of the Government
Excerpts of the President's News Conference on a Train from Minneapolis to Washington
Address Before the Norwegian Centennial Celebration at the Minnesota State Fair Grounds in Falcon Heights
Executive Order 4239—Transfer of Bureau of Mines to Commerce Department
Commencement Address at the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland
Memorial Day Address at Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, Virginia
Executive Order 4224 1/2—Waiver or Reduction of Application and Visa Fees for Non-Immigrants
Address at the Laying of the Cornerstone of the Jewish Community Centre in Washington, D.C.
Remarks on Phonofilm to the Friars Club in New York City
Radio Address to the Women's World Fair in Chicago