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Statement by Governor Mitt Romney on Governor Matt Blunt's Decision Not to Seek Reelection
Mitt Romney
Statement by Governor Mitt Romney on Today's "March For Life"
Democratic Presidential Candidates Debate in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
Presidential Candidate Debates
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Connecticut Leaders Agree: Hillary Wins Debate
Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Clinton Campaign Opens Dozens of Locations Across New York
Edwards Campaign Press Release - On Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Edwards Calls On Americans To Speak Out Against Injustice And Inequality
John Edwards
Statement by Rudy Giuliani on Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Rudy Giuliani
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Clinton Campaign Staff and Volunteers Observe the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Morning HUBdate: Facts are Facts
Giuliani Campaign Press Release - Giuliani Ad Facts: "Un Plan"
Romney Campaign Press Release - U.S. Congressman Ander Crenshaw Endorses Governor Mitt Romney For President
Romney Campaign Press Release - Romney For President Launches Spanish-Language Television Ad In Florida
Edwards Campaign Press Release - Martin Luther King, III Praises Edwards For Leading The Fight For Economic Justice In America
Romney Campaign Press Release - Governor Mitt Romney Announces Louisiana Statewide Steering Committee
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - CA Assemblymember Felipe Fuentes and CA State Senator Alex Padilla Endorse Hillary Clinton
Statement by Governor Mitt Romney on Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Statement By The Clinton Campaign On Senator Obama's Violation Of The Early State Pledge
Giuliani Campaign Press Release - John McCain Not A Fi$cal Conservative
Romney Campaign Press Release - In Case You Missed It: Governor Romney Discusses His Strategy To Build A Stronger Economy
Giuliani Campaign Press Release - International Brotherhood of Police Officers Local 911 Endorses Giuliani for President
Obama Campaign Press Release - Statement of Congressman Rick Boucher
Barack Obama
Edwards Campaign Press Release - Edwards: Dominating The Debate
Romney Campaign Press Release - Governor Mitt Romney Announces Alaska Statewide Steering Committee
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Webb Responds to Democratic Presidential Debate
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Former Indiana Governor Joe Kernan and First Lady Maggie Kernan Endorse Clinton
Giuliani Campaign Press Release - Rudy Giuliani Campaign Launches Florida Spanish Television Ad
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Yesterday in the States
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Schroeder and DeGette Hold Coffee Roundtable with Undecided Women Voters
Romney Campaign Press Release - Research Briefing: "Economics Is Not Something I've Understood As Well As I Should."
Remarks in Atlanta: "The Great Need of the Hour"
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Clinton Campaign Statement on Nevada Victory
Romney Campaign Press Release - In Case You Missed It: Governor Romney On The Economy
Interview with Bob Schieffer on CBS News' "Face the Nation"
Romney Campaign Press Release - The Romney Record: Creating Jobs
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Morning HUBdate: A Huge Victory
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Reverend Dr. Calvin O. Butts, III Endorses Hillary Clinton for President
Remarks Following the South Carolina Primary
Mike Huckabee
Statement by Governor Mitt Romney on Victory In Nevada
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - What Does Nevada Mean?
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Kansas City Star Endorses Hillary for President