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Source of many WH announcements, readouts, press releases
Department of Justice Nomination of John H. Shenefield To Be Associate Attorney General.
Jimmy Carter
Nominations Submitted to the Senate
United Nations Nomination of Richard W. Petree To Be Deputy U.S. Representative in the Security Council.
United States Mint at Denver Nomination of Michael E. Witt To Be Assayer.
National Advisory Council on Women's Education Programs Nomination of Carolyn L. Attneave To Be a Member.
Checklist of White House Press Releases
St. Lawrence Seaway Navigation Clearance Announcement of Extension of the Deadline.
Eradication of Smallpox White House Statement.
Department of Transportation Nomination of William J. Beckham, Jr., To Be Deputy Secretary.
Digest of Other White House Announcements
Department of Justice Nomination of Alice Daniel To Be an Assistant Attorney General.
Acts Approved by the President
Meeting With Chancellor Bruno Kreisky of Austria White House Statement.
National Task Force on Ridesharing Appointment of the Membership.
John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts Appointment of Three Members of the Advisory Committee on the Arts.
President's Commission for a National Agenda for the Eighties Announcement on the Establishment of the Commission.
Low-Level Radiation Policy Announcement of Administration Initiatives.
Rock Island Railroad Labor Dispute White House Statement on an Agreement.
National Transportation Safety Board Nomination of G. H. Patrick Bursley To Be a Member.