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President's Export Council Appointment of Two Members.
Jimmy Carter
United States Sinai Support Mission Appointment of Frank E. Maestrone as Special Representative and Director.
Advisory Committee on Trade Negotiations Appointment of 10 Members.
Strategy Council on Drug Abuse Appointment of Two Members.
National Endowment for the Arts Appointment of Seven Members to the National Council on the Arts.
Intergovernmental Advisory Council on Education Appointment of 20 Members.
National Historical Publications and Records Commission Appointment of Norbert Brockman as a Member.
Presidential Advisory Board on Ambassadorial Appointments Appointment of Jerry Apodaca as a Member.
Commission on Executive, Legislative, and Judicial Salaries Appointment of Three Members and Designation of Chairman.
National Capital Planning Commission Appointment of T. Eugene Smith as a Member.
Advisory Committee on Federal Pay Appointment of Eva Robins as a Member.
President's Council for Energy Efficiency Appointment of the Membership.
Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation Appointment of Max N. Berry as a Member and Chairman of the Board of Directors.
Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations Reappointment of Three Members.
National Cancer Institute Appointment of Vincent T. DeVita, Jr., as Director.
President's Commission on Executive Exchange Appointment of Three Members.
Administrative Conference of the United States Appointment of Three Members of the Council and Designation of Joan Z. Bernstein as Vice-Chair of the Conference.
National Advisory Committee for Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Appointment of Seven Members.
Library of Congress Reappointment of ]ane R. Engelhard as a Member of the Trust Fund Board.
Smithsonian Institution Appointment of Two Members of the National Armed Forces Museum Advisory Board.