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Proclamation 210—Thanksgiving Day, 1872
Ulysses S. Grant
Executive Order—Approving Lands for Snake or Piute Indians
Proclamation 209—Suspension of Discriminating Duties on Goods Entering the United States on Japanese Vessels
Proclamation 208—Suspension of Prosecution for Violations of the Office-Holding Prohibition in Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution
Executive Order
Proclamation 207—Certifying Foreign Compliance with Treaty Provisions for Consular Jurisdiction Over Crews of Marine Vessels
Proclamation 206—Enforcement of the Act Regarding the Eight Hour Work Day for Employees of the Government of the United States
Proclamation—Establishing the Interoceanic Canal Commission
Proclamation 205—Suspension of Discriminating Duties on Goods Entering the United States on Certain Spanish Vessels
Executive Order—Evaluation and Indian Relocation of Bitter Root Valley Reserve
Proclamation 204—Suspending the Writ of Habeas Corpus in the County of Union, South Carolina
Proclamation 203—Revoking the Suspension of the Writ of Habeas Corpus in Marion County, South Carolina
Proclamation 202—Thanksgiving Day, 1871
Proclamation 201—Suspending the Writ of Habeas Corpus in Certain Counties of South Carolina
Proclamation 200—Law and Order in the State of South Carolina
Proclamation 199—Enforcement of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution
Proclamation 198—Convening an Extra Session of the United States Senate
Proclamation 197—Law and Order in the State of South Carolina
Executive Order—Approving Interior Request of Oregon Land
Proclamation 196—Suspension of Discriminating Duties on Goods Entering the United States on Portuguese Vessels
Proclamation 195—Thanksgiving Day, 1870
Proclamation 194—Prohibiting Citizens of the United States From Engaging in Military Enterprises Against Countries with Whom the United States is at Peace
Proclamation 193—Forbidding the Use of Any Waters Within the Jurisdiction of the United States by Ships of War Between France and the North German Confederation
Proclamation 192—Neutrality of Citizens of the United States in the War Between France and the North German Confederation
Proclamation 191—Warning All Persons Against Engaging in Illegal Military Enterprises Against the Dominion of Canada
Proclamation 190—Revocation of Exequatur of Joaquin de Palma, Vice-Consul of Portugal at Savannah, Georgia
Executive Order—Approving Secretary Letter on Arickaree, Gross Ventre, and Mandan Indians
Proclamation 188—Certifying Foreign Compliance with Treaty Provisions for Consular Jurisdiction Over Crews of Marine Vessels
Executive Order—Establishing Mission Indian Reserves in California
Proclamation 187—Suspension of Discriminating Duties on Goods Entering the United States on French Vessels
Executive Order [on the death of Franklin Pierce]
Proclamation 186—Thanksgiving Day, 1869
Executive Order—Approving Secretary of Interior for Santee Sioux Changes
Proclamation 185—Submitting the Constitution of the State of Texas to the Voters of the State
Proclamation 184—Submitting the Constitution of the State of Mississippi to the Voters of the State
Proclamation 183—Suspension of Discriminating Duties on Goods Entering the United States on French Vessels
Proclamation 182—Eight Hour Work Day for Employees of the Government of the United States
Proclamation 181—Submitting the Constitution of the State of Virginia to the Voters of the State
Proclamation 180—Convening an Extra Session of the United States Senate
Proclamation 179—Granting Full Pardon and Amnesty for the Offense of Treason Against the United States During the Late Civil War
Andrew Johnson
Proclamation 178—Thanksgiving Day, 1868